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Posts posted by broken7

  1. yeah, i can see that...he does it so I wont forget about him, even if the text is random and doesn't mean anything. He knows that I will see it and for that moment think about him. Its for sure a set back every time he contacts me. He knows I love him, but I will never be with him after what he has done. I dont understand why he cant be satisfied ever with one girl. He always has to have more then one, enough to occupy all his time. Im ready to find a better guy, a guy who can treat me right...just wish the pain of missing him, and missing what we had would go away. I was hoping it would get easier as the days went on, but theres moments where it seems like im still in day 1.

  2. Thanks for the thoughts I wish I could say its gotten easier, but it hasn't. While he has this other girl who he is with, hes still texting/calling, and wanting to hang out. I haven't responded, I cant, its hurting so bad, but i know hes only contacting me b/c his current girlfriend isn't there at the time and hes bored. It hurts that hes this way, I just miss the guy I once new, or the guy I thought he was. All I can do at this point is move on, or atleast try. Once I get back out there and find someone else I know I will be better off. I can look back at this and think why was I ever upset. Now its just getting there. Have you ever had an ex contact you, and then if they dont for a day or two you wonder why, and you start missing them again. Thats where im at...he will text and text, and then nothing, then hes back a couple days later. Im just trying to stay strong, one day at a time!

  3. I know he will never be faithful to her. Ive figured it out, he likes her so much b/c she doesn't put up a fight, she doesnt stand up for herself. She lets him do whatever he wants, he can hang out with whoever and do whatever, just as long as he hangs out with her to. I wont stand for that, I stand up for myself, and be a girl on anyones list. Thats why we dont get along, he wants me to just be calm and let him do whatever. Sorry im worth more then that! Hes texted a lot, but Im just trying to move on day to day...she can have him! He will never be true to her!

  4. thanks so much. This is probably the hardest thing ive ever had to do, I miss him so much, but im only missing the guy I thought he was. Some days Im really strong and doing good, then theres moments where i break and am very weak. I know that this will pass with time, and I know I deserve better then him. I just keep replaying everything in my mind, and I move pass the hard moments. Right now Im just kinda sad, I guess bc I loved him so much, and look where its gotten me. I was true to him and gave him my all, and now im the one heartbroken and hes the one who is happy and moving on. Just trying to make it day to day, heres to another day. Cant wait until Im completely through with this.

  5. thanks so much girls. Its been really hard these last couple of days, I guess bc I ended up seeing him to get my phone. He made it the most difficult thing ever, he kept it in his house so i would have to knock and get it. He started on the other girl thing, and how he loves her, and how great she is. Why does he intentially want to hurt me so bad. I didn't really say much, tried to stay strong, but ended up crying. Just keeping quiet, getting my phone and leaving. Hes so mean, but I cant care anymore, im out of tears to cry for him. I haven't spoke to him since, and dont care to ever again. Hes so hateful and so mean, even being in his house, knowing hes there all the time with another girl just made me sick to my stomach. Every day is hard, but I just try to keep myself occupied the best I can. I hoping with time this pain fades, and I can move on with my life. Im not giving him the benefit of the doubt though, im not calling, not begging, nothing. I wont let me know that hes hurting me, and that Im upset, for all he knows Im out having fun. She can have him!

  6. well i talked to him today Not because I wanted to but because I had to...my new cell phone was shipped to his house by mistake, so I had to call and ask him if he could put it somewhere for me so I could pick it up. I dont want to see him, just want my phone. Anyway he started talking about the other girl, and yeah she will be over again tonight. He felt the need to let me know that, but said its just because she lives so far away, and she was coming in town to go to the doctor. I just avoided the subject all together, and just asked if he would put the phone in his mailbox or something so I could pick it up after I got off work. He said, just call me tomorrow and I will let you know where it is. So when i get off work tomorrow im going to call him, but not going to let the conversation stray. Once I know where to get my phone then thats all that needs to be said.

  7. thanks bestrong....its tough but im staying strong. I hate him for being this way....i know its a lie, she didn't just "stop by" she lives an hour away. I just need to get away, your right, hes full of lies and wont change. I know he will try to get a hold of me when she leaves, and I wont answer, wont respond to his texts..nothing. If he clearly wants to spend time with this girl, then he needs to spend all his time with her and leave me alone to live my life.

  8. tough situation, just trying to stay strong and make it through. So I haven't talked to my ex, but he knew Id be in his area today, we have mutual friends. My roommate and I have to drive to his street where the guy my roommate is dating lives. We have to pick him up, because we are all going camping tonight. Anyway my ex texts me and writes "She stopped by on her way to visit her mom, just giving you a heads up." She = girl he cheated on me with, he texted that b/c he knew Id have to go by his house and her car would be there. This sucks, I just texted back "Cool enjoy." Now my stomach is killing me...just trying to be strong and not show weakness.

  9. Im for sure in the hurting stage, I havent talked to him, hes texted me twice today, but with random things, nothing important. It hurts to know this guy that I gave so much to, and loved so much, could just pick and and be with other girls. Hold me one night, and then turn around and hold another girl the same way. Makes my stomach turn, but Im glad I found out now. Its just time to stop thinking about him, and start thinking about myself. I feel like its time to be selfish and do things that make me happy. My stomach hurts, and im really sad right now, but Im holding strong, just trying to make it through another day.

  10. Thanks guys! Treefrog trust me I was in shock when he said it, hes so not the man i fell in love with. My thought now is out of sight out of mind..Ive now learned it easier to not talk to him, and slowly move on, then to be apart of his life, and how he uses me as just another girl on his list. Its been tough, but Im staying strong, I have to, this man is just pure evil. Its time he sees what life is like without me there. He will go through a million girls, thats just him, he has to have someone always there. He could be married and still it not be enough, clearly, two ex wives, two divorces b/c he cheated on both of them. Im better off to run in the other direction! Im just mad at myself that it took me 2 1/2 years to realize the man he really was, or the man hes always been. Well atleast Im still young, and have my whole life ahead of me to start over.

  11. Ok heres the update, i suck lol. I fell in a trap and he made me feel sorry for him, so needless to say i spent everyday with him for the last 2 weeks. Very bad move on my part, b/c it just got me reattached and broke everything I had worked so hard for in the days of NC. Well today we go to lunch, and I bring up "us" and if he thinks we should try to fix whatever is left, try to make things right. Rebuild trust, and so on. He goes on to say how he enjoys not having a girl in his life, the drama, everything that goes with it. I said then why have you hung out with me for the last 2 weeks, and made me think we were repairing this. He said you and I get a long, and have good sex. I was so disgusted, I picked up my trash threw it away and walked to the car. He followed, he got in the car, and went on to ask "If we are working on us does that mean no girls can stay over at my house?" I was so disgusted, how could I have ever loved this man. I pulled up in his driveway, and said "I dont ever want to speak to you again, please respect that this time and dont call." So here I am back at Day 1, if I would have just stayed strong the last time, Id be closing in on weeks of NC. Well its better late then never, heres to Day 1.

  12. Im really happy ive managed to stick to what i said! That I would never talk to him again! Now im just in the process of getting over him, breaking the habit. Part of me wished he would try to call or text today, but thats just me hoping that he cared, and this last 2 years meant something to him. But then I realize it doesn't matter, why do care about a guy who doesn't care about me. Who would go behind my back, and purposely hurt me like this. Tomorrow is day 3, the longest I have ever gone without talking to him...Im looking forward!

  13. Day 2 here! He texted me yesterday but I didn't respond. Haven't heard anything from him today, but im holding strong, and wont break, not this time! I wont show him any weakness, Im keeping myself occupied, and starting to hang out with old friends. I have my moments where I miss him, but then remember the reason we aren't together - he cheated, and showed no remorse about it! Looking forward to better days when he doesn't even cross my mind anymore!

  14. So here it is Day 2...Ive stayed strong, haven't talked to him. Never returned the text from yesterday, and didn't hear anything from him today, but I didn't expect to. Ive had rough moments, but over all it hasn't been that bad. I know this wont kill me, it will just hurt for awhile. I honestly think he will be very shocked by the end of the week that I have made no attempt to contact him. It hurt yesterday when I got his text, just bc its like this is all no big deal to him, that he just expects I will be there still.

  15. Ok so here it is 10:30, and I have not called or texted him. Although he did text me...he sent me a text saying "Are you infront of a computer." Something random, but he would always ask me to check things for him if he wasnt able to get to a computer. Why would he ask me, why not ask his new girl, or another friend? I was clear last night that I never wanted to talk again.

  16. So here I am on day one at 5pm. Ive stayed strong, not texting or calling, no breaking. I cant and I wont..Ive had my ups and downs today, just thinking of this other girl in his life. But I know she wont be someone who will change him, he will cheat on her as well. Thats a situation Im glad to be free of, now its just getting over the habit that he has become!

  17. I will for sure take your advice...im so confused right now, but new I had to get away. Im one that will let my mind start playing games, I will be good, but then something will make me think of him and there I am upset and wanting to know why hes caused me this pain. Im definetely going to keep coming back to the board, it helps to see people who have been through this.


    I just dont get why people cheat, why not just end it, then go for the other person. Why cause the person who has been there for you for so long, so much pain.


    What sucks worse then the cheating, is the way he acted on the phone. He said it would hurt not to talk to me, but how, and why...hes got this new girl in his house tonight. He cant be hurting to bad.

  18. I hope that things have gotten easier for you. What kept you sane enough not to try and contact her? Thats what Im scared of, Im scared of having a weak moment and texting him. I dont want to do that, I dont want to be weak. I know if I contact him he will have justice knowing im still here.


    Your right I would have never thought he would have done this to me, but I should have seen it coming. His past with women is horrible, hes never been faithful, and I clearly couldn't change that. He also tried at first to blame me, asking why I had texted him so many times today. Trying to make texting on the same level as cheating...he was grasping. I was surprised that I stayed strong, and said "I dont ever want to talk to you again."


    Im doing the whole NC thing, one day at a time...I will just have to run away from my phone if I fall to a weak moment.

  19. Yeah your right Mac, Id love to see him chase me, and me be able to say No. But your right, that may not happen...I need to move on for me, for me to be happy. Guess it sucks, bc it just happened, now I have to picture them together tonight...kinda makes my head hurt. But Im staying strong, not shedding a tear. Why? Why should I cry over someone who does care about me. If he did care he would have never done it, his whole focus would have been us. But instead he looked elsewhere. Guess things work out in a weird way, kinda wish I had a time machine to see where everything will end up in a month from now. I know I wont be with him, and hopefully can say we haven't talked!

  20. mac your just like me, I want him to hurt, I want him to feel this pain. Not be sitting at his house, having a good time with another girl. But thats exactly what hes doing tonight, while im here trying to figure out ways to make the days easier.


    I feel like my only option is to stay strong, if I break, then he will see my weakness. Ive shown my weakness to many times, but I cant this time.


    I just dont get how I deserve this, and he gets to be happy, and not be upset at all.

  21. thanks so much eva for all your help! Im strong right now but know i will probably have bad moments, I just need to jump on here and find strength. His new girl will go home and he will be bored, but I wont be there, not this time! Im not girl who is here to fill a void for a couple hours, I deserve more then that!

  22. I thought about it, but why then I figure why should I make sacrifices, when I didn't do anything wrong. I was true to him, yet he wasn't to me. Im kinda surprised that I haven't cried, my stomach is tore up, but Im not doing all that bad. I mean Ive even visualized this girl in his bed with him, b/c im sure she will be staying over tonight. But for some reason, while it sucks, its not unbareable. I kinda hope he calls just so I can ignore it, maybe in a sense its just justice. One of those things where you hope they will chase you, just so you can say no.

  23. Yeah I fall everytime he contacts me. Im hoping since this girls is in his life now, that he wont contact me. I can normally hold strong, but then he will send a text and I break and respond. I need to just not respond when hes texts, and if he calls just mute it. My birthday is this month, so i suspect if i dont hear from him before then, i will hear from him on my b-day.

  24. Your so on it! Im sure thats why this new girl is with him, because hes so nice, and will do anything for you. But while hes doing all that, hes lying and cheating behind your back. He tricks you into thinking he really cares about you, that he doesn't want anyone else, and even makes you think your just being parnoid if you suspect anything. I just need to get through this, and know that I dont deserve it, he will do the same to this new girl. I think he will be shocked when he doesn't hear from me. He suspects I will call, or text, but I wont, I cant, i wont give him the justice that he has me still.

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