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Posts posted by dundeeshyguy

  1. Hi Mate.


    I am 24 years old and I have never had a Boyfriend. It is quite hard in my city as it is relatively homophobic although I am out to all my friends at work and was out at college and university.


    I am however chatting to guys on-line and have been flirting with some guys. There is one guy I like and I am about to go for it and ask him out, regardless of the consequences. If he hates me then I am fine with that.


    Have a serious thought to yourself. Do you want a Boyfriend? If the Answer is Yes, go and find one.


    Be yourself, Be true, be honest, and don't forget to smile.


    PM if you want to chat more.

  2. There are several senarios in different situations.


    If you two are together, maybe in his or your bedroom and you two hug (playfully), maybe you should go for it and give him a playful kiss and then hug him again like he did to you whn he was drunk.


    If he is a true friend and likes it, he will return the kiss or will smile at you. If he does not like it, he will tell you so.


    I don't think you have alot to be worried about. I have not seen that many straight guys that would kiss another guy more than once even when they are drunk.


    One other situation you could try is this:


    If he regurarly is in your bedroom, what you could do is write a note saying that how much you love him (something like you would write in a diary) and place it somewhere where he would notice it but not in full view. - maybe under your pillow but sticking out. He may be nosey and take a peek. Go to the toilet or something so that he can be alone in your room. That way you will notice if the note has been moved. If he still likes you, he will be smiling at you, if not, he will probably just walk out. I believe if he is still there after he has seen the note, then he is interested in you and you should should tell him in person that you love him or if the mood is right, move in for the kill. KISS him. I bet he will return.


    Good Luck! Let me know what happens.

  3. 3 or 4 times a week is fine. There is nothing wrong with that, it is just average. It is up to both of you. If you want to have sex every day, then have sex everyday. If you just want to have sex when you get the time to then...go for it. If you want more, suggest new ways to experiment.


    Hey...Your having more sex than me, so just go with the flow.

  4. I work at a Supermarket (Nightshift). Back in October last year, one of the new starts on Day Shift is a really cute guy. Being a friendly person, I said Hi to him and he said hi back. Throughout the following weeks, we both said hi to each other. One day, he said Hi Garry. I don't wear a name badge so I was happy to hear he knew my name.


    Everytime we see each other or when he sees me, he will come up to me and say hi. He always smiles at me when he sees me. One night I went in to the shop to get something to eat on my break. One of my other colleagues I give a lift to went to the Kiosk where this guy was serving. He asked my friend if I was in tonight. My friend said yes.


    It has not gone much further, although, he never ignores me, even when I am in shopping. I am not sure if he knows that I am gay, although I am openly gay at work. Recently I was in the canteen and he walked past the door on his way home, he smiled a me and gave me a thumbs up.


    Does he like me alot or is he just being friendly? I have been contemplating asking him out for a drink to get to know each other and see where it goes.


    By the way, he does not speak or smile to any other member of the nightshift.


    One other thing. We always remain in eye contact when talking, smiling. Neither of us will look away.

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