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Posts posted by LiL_MiSs_NeY

  1. i agree thats it better to keep up with the no communication. i can see that u recognise urself that he isnt good for u especially with the whole cheating thing but if you start talking to him again you'll start to hope you're wrong. and then everytime he does something that tells you he's no good ul ignore it because all those feelings will come back clouding ur judgement. and then everytime he comes through and surprises u, he wins u over and u lose the argument with yourself that he's no good for u.


    And u rly dnt need to torture urself by keeping in contact with him and letting all those old feelings come back. It will just be a repetitive process where you may or may not go to bed at night going over every detail wondering what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood how he felt about you and how the hell you could have thought you were that happy. Sometimes u may even convince urself that hel wake up to himself and want to get back together. But after all that however long it may be ul go to new places and meet new people who will make u feel worthwhile again and all the built up anger and hurt he caused u wil eventually begin to fade and then ul find a guy who he wont even be able to compare to so keep ur chin up

  2. well all the conversational subjects has pretty much been covered by g1234567890h. if you are more worried about what to talk about if you go on a date, maybe it would be a good idea to do something say a movie so that way afterwards you both would have something similar to talk about

  3. Guys can be rather oblivious to the fact when a girl makes a move because they dont always have the easiest time telling whether we are into them or not. if this guy is socially awkward like you said maybe he is too shy to make a move? if thats the case i think maybe you should be the one to make the move as i usually strongly believe in these two sayings:


    *a person who says something is a fool for five minutes but a person who doesn't is a fool forever


    *it's better to regret the things you do then to regret the things you don't do





    either way whatever it is that you decide to do, good luck with it

  4. for me it depends on a wide range of things. like how long were they together for, how serious it was, and who broke it off.


    if they were together for a good amount of time i assume it was a farily serious relationship so i would have given the guy enough time to sort himself out. however if he was the one that broke it off, depending on the situation they may have been well and truly over their gf so "the time to grieve" wouldnt be as long. i never had a set time for when id make a move it depends on the situation.



    not sure if that made any sense because i tend to ramble

  5. i totally agree with the saying "a person who says something is a fool for five minutes but a person who doesn't is a fool forever"


    i havent regretted anything in a while because im a big believer in fate and im happy how things have turned out. i remember back in days when i was about 18 i was crazy about this guy who i used to go to school with. i never told him how i felt even though my feelings lasted for nearly two years. he eventually started going out with a girl and for a while i regretted not telling him especially when he confessed to me he had the same feelings. but id never go out with someone who was in a relationship. it hurt a lot emotionally but after a while i eventually got over him and my feelings for my bf now wouldnt even come close. things happen for a reason so just think positive and eventually you will find that one person who wont even compare to the rest

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