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Posts posted by Sadness_Within

  1. I just don't know what there is that he could say or do that would make me feel different...


    He has said at the time he wasn't in love with me any more and now that he has been caught he is still in love with me and wants it to work and well you can guess how it goes...


    If it does end I don't know what he will do, where he will go. I will have the children with me still and take it step by step.

  2. I didn't know at all. He seemed fine towards me, the first time I thought there was something wrong was while I was in labour with bub and he didn't care I did the whole labour with him sitting in a chair in the corner going to sleep (I have short labours so it wasn't like we had been there for 24hours or anything)

  3. I am upset that he did those things but I am more upset that he hid and lied about them even when he got caught out.


    The thing that hurts most is that he said that at the time he wasn't in love with me.


    He hasn't really tried to regain my trust, he has tried to act as if he didn't do anything wrong...He said he wouldn't do it again after the first time...

  4. Porn isn't allowed in my house...Something he knows.

    Talking to other females and hiding it (no matter how innocent) is something I hate too.


    I gave birth on 30th december in the morning and that night he was home looking at porn (He hid this from me). He said he was doing it to decide if he still wanted to be with me. Yes I just gave birth to baby number 5 but you look at porn to help decide if this marriage will continue.

    Then he was talking to a girl, deleting conversations and sent his picture to her (Just an every day photo) and hid it from me.


    He had been talking to a girl online 4 days before we got married and asked for her photo etc...hid this from me. I found out because she had written a message to him after he got off line and it came up when I got on the computer. I told him then how much I hate this type of thing and he promised he wouldn't do it again.

  5. How do I ever trust my husband again after him doing 2 things he promised me he wouldn't, hid it from me, then got caught and told me he did it because he wasn't in love with me anymore (for 6 months he felt like this), he lied ALOT about why he did these things etc...


    He has told me he realised that he was in love with me when he got caught...What if he had never got caught?

  6. A few questions...


    Do you think if your partner looks at porn (and hides it) knowing you DO NOT LIKE IT is a form of cheating?


    Do you think hiding your friendship with someone(No matter how innocent) is cheating?

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