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  1. well im 14 and of course if a 17 yearold told me oh your hott and ect,i would be alittle tripped out,but i know he told me for a reason

    just dont hate it for what you are,im gay and proud,

    im a freshman .. and yes people at school do yell out fag and all those stupid things. just be friends with him right now,later on if you think he hits on you or even might flirt i dont know,tell him,you will never know unless you ask him


  2. oh well hmhm im just scared how he will react if i did tell him i liked him,i mean IDK i dont wanna loose the friendship i have with him at all,hes a really really nice guy overall,im guessing he might be curious about it .. what happenes if he denys me? i mean its hard asking a guy out on a 'friend date' .. well i have a class with him later today in the day,and its valentines day

  3. hi,well since i started high school which im in the 9th grade FRESHMAN yeah .. in one of my classses theres like this guy right,hes cute and everything,well when i first saw him i was like wow hottness. i mean we didnt really talk at all but then hmh later we did like alot yay! well i found his myspace and i added him and we talked alot and stuff,all the time i see him in the hallways at school or somthing ill be like hi or hey,and im happy. but like hmh IDK if hes doing it on purpose or somthing .. but like he ALWAYS COMMENTS MY MYSPACE PICTURES AND MY PROFILE,but not with those 'st8' guy comments,like he calls me cute and adorable ect ect,im like wow hehe. and he always tells me about his problems with girls [ugh] but i help him out,but he hasnt had a girlfriend,and well today i had a class with him,and he looked so down out-over nowhere. so i askedhim whats wrong and he said nothing and i asked him whats wrong and he said nothing,so i guessed out and said if its a girl? he said yeah .. i was like oh what happened? he said nothing but i got it out of him and well i think hes NOT gay but he might be bi i mean he knows im gay,he talks to me like marjorly alot,and hes just a real cool cool guy,i care about him alot,and IDK if hes bi or somthing or if you would consider it hitting on a gay guy,like during class i just felt like crying in a way when he told me oh its about a girl,it was like ..sad and somthing tore inside me. i need some advice please or somthing,i just really like him since the beginning of the school year.

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