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Posts posted by Aquafina

  1. I disagree. If someone on a public web site was crass enough to challenge whether my boyfriend is "hot" I would either not respond or respond with "that is a rude comment" or "we are very happy together in every way - that is all of a response that is needed." It's not like she told him she didn't think he was hot - she showed him something she wrote - very childish and tactless.


    i had nothing to do with any of this argument. this other girl didnt mention me or anything. this is all between them and at no point have i ever been brought up. my GF brought me up with that comment. so it's not like it was provoked

  2. my girlfriend sent a message to a girl on myspace today because of a dispute they had at school. well...she got to the whole, "i don't care about what you all say about me..." bla bla bla. well, in the midst of this, she said this exact quote...


    "i have a boyfriend, he might not be hot, but hes the sweetest guy ever!!"


    that is straight copy/paste straight into here. she didnt try to hide it, she actually knew i would read it. i havent talked to her yet since then, i will at 9 though...im so upset about how she could say something like that...what do you guys think? how would you feel?

  3. I have a little while yet before i would actually propose to my girlfriend. But as of right now this is the idea i have been thinking about.


    go out to eat at a real nice restaurant. then we'd leave there and i'd act like i was going to go home or something. then i'd make it seem as though i had the sudden decision to go for a walk in the park. so we'd go for this walk and we'd be talking. then as we neared the resivour i'd start a speech sort of like, "you know i love you and i couldnt live without you. i want you to be in my life forever...." and all that. then stop just before we were over looking the water and finish up the last of the romantic speech. so i'd have her back towards the water of the resivour and i'd be looking at her in the eyes and say something like, "i have one more thing to ask you tonight..." then hint for her to turn around and have her see the words "(name), Will you marry me?" then be on one knee when she turns back around.


    i'd have my friends set it up before hand and be in a boat by it so make sure it's ok. i was either thinking of having the words in candles and making a HUGE floating frame that could hold them all in place. or using some sort of lighting. this would all be at night.


    what do you think? any room for improvent?

  4. A surprise on the PC doesn't sound too romantic... maybe leave something on her desk at work or something?



    im 18 and she's 17. she doesnt work or anything...so i really couldnt do that. the one thing i am doing is this: she's in marching band and she plays piccolo. she has her piccolo case sitting on her bookshelf under some papers and stuff right now. ive put a small note in the case so when band camp starts again next spring she'll find it.


    but i need something else to do in the near future too. im thinking about making a slideshow set to music for valentines day too.

  5. this is the first time i've written under this name, but its not the first time ive posted on here. anyway. i had this plan to surprise my girlfriend. i was going to write a note and put it in a bottle. i was then going to set it just at the edge of the water where the beach starts. then as we were walking the beach, stumble accross it. she wouls be currious, i would act it too. then she'd open it and read it. i was going to have it say all this about "the girl i love" then towards the bottom say her name or something so she knows the girl being talked about was her the whole time.


    but some website she found had something very similar and she read it, so now she'd expect it and it's ruined. i cant do that one now.


    so i need something BIG and inexpenisive i can do to surprise her now.


    im actually really upset that it got messed up, so i need something new now..thanks

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