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Posts posted by katkin

  1. Left him TWO messages! lol

    The first time, this morning, I got a little tongue tied and just said 'I realised i'd made a mistake, not thinking about his feelings or phoning him etc..'

    The second time, as I still don't truly know what is wrong as not one word the whole time I asked him if he was ok as I was worried and realised that maybe he's having another problem unrelated to me and how selfish I was for thinking that it's all about me, as usual!


    We live in same town, share some of the same friends so will find out eventually.

    Fingers x'ed for the coming week, not weeks I hope

  2. I don't understand why your bf would have a problem with your gay ex staying over. He's GAY for god's sake, so there DEFINITELY would not be any hanky panky going on. I think your bf is being a bit defensive there and should not punish you for having your GAY ex stay over.


    My best friend (who was also someone I had a long term relationship with) is gay and I used to hang with him. My now ex was ok with it, sort of.


    LOL, Love the way you say 'sort of'!

    It is crazy as we're less likley to sleep together than I would if I was with a girlfriend

    I think it's the intimacy, even the mental emotional sharing. He doesn't know if we're talking about him I guess. Why then is it diffrent to a girlfriend?


  3. As I have rarely suffered jealousy I need some advice.


    My ex-boyfriend, who's now gay, lol, turned up out of the blue last week wanting somewhere to stay for a few days. I texted my boyfriend to let him know and he didn't reply. I tried to call him and he didn't answer or call me back. Usually he would.

    We've only been together 3 months but he's never gone lomger than a day without contacting me. I've asked him by text if he's p***ed off about the ex staying.

    Yesterday I let him know he'd gone home and i'm shocked he's avoiding me, we were (I thought) getting on brilliantly!!


    Do people who are jealous behave like this and maybe I was wrong letting the guy stay but i've not been able to explain to him he needed to stay. Or possibly he's got cold feet.


    What do you think and should I not bother to contact him anymore?

    I've sent 5 texts, tried calling once.


    thanks in advance, i've not to many friends I can trust to talk to not involved with 'us'.

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