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Posts posted by sweetandconfused

  1. WOW Savoie!!! You really made me open my eyes and are definatly right on target. Thanks for helping me. It hurts and I've had many opportunities to end it just gets hard because something is keeping me there and i dont know what it is. I care about her alot but i cant be a mother and a lover to her. Today we had a talk and she doesnt want to hear it, I want to do something special for her for V day but she has no intentions on doing anything for me, and im not gonna beg for it either. I think i have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. What she is doing to me isnt fair, just sucks when you feel so much for someone but then they dont feel the sameway make you feel like something is wrong with me.

  2. I thought about that and I think you are right! I think she has lost whatever shes has for me, and is afraid to just lost the person I am. Its difficult because she always tells me what I want to hear, but I cant trust her and dont neccessarly believe what she is telling me because she is drunk. I dont think she will ever have the guts to tell me how she really feels about me, she likes the thought of having me around to much because i do alot for her.

  3. Maybe i should mention that this is a lesbian relationship also. She says she has never been abused before. Her father and mother are divorced, shes had many partners. She has been sexual with all of them - and has had plenty of sober sex so she says. The only time she can tell me how she feels about me is when she is intoxicated ( no fear at that point).

  4. She drinks about 3 times a week ( mostly weekends) I dont think she has a problem thats forsure. The relationship has issues because of these things, she can't communicate about feelings because it makes her uncomfortable. She mentions that everything in her life has always been about sex and im the only real thing in her life, so she doesnt want to make it all about sex. She is 22 years old, and not a day older. I am 26 , so there is maturaty issues. She is a beautiful woman, she is thin probably about 5" and 110 pounds.. I think there should be nothing to worry about in terms of body issues... I just want her to make love to me sober...

  5. OK, This would be my second posting. I have been with this woman for 6 months and for the past 5 months she can only have sex with me when she is drunk of high ( mostly both). She cant have sex with me when she is sober and it not a great feeling. She says that she doesnt feel sexual when she is sober and that she is self conscious about her body.


    I don't know what to do or think - Can someone please help???

  6. Ok I really need some serious advice...I met this girl online about six months ago - Im 26 and she is 22. I know there is a lot of experience that is missing in that gap. She has been with several woman but i am her first relationship..I have had about 3 long term ones so i know how it goes. It has been a rollorcoaster between us, let me add that we are both ARIES. I find with us we are either really good or really bad. So heres the problem I have fallen in love with her and have honestly never given any woman what i give her but she isnt in love with me and doesnt know if she can because she is scared and this is unknown to her.


    She is very popular in the community ( meaning quite attractive) she likes to flirt alot and have fun. This is all good but she never takes things seriously enough. She can't have sex with me unless she is drunk and also cant tell me how she feels unless she is drunk also. I feel half the time i have to get her intoxicated to know how she feels about us.


    I am at wits end with it and the only issue i face is that i love her so much and it would kill me to never be able to see her, kiss her or make love to her again. She broke up with me for the 3rd time last night and we have since gotten back together giving it another try.


    So do i really have to be sick of being sick and tired before i get the guts to call it a day or should i work on it????


    Please help me!!!!

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