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Posts posted by SadOldMan

  1. Wow. Had another counseling on Thursday. Before going in, I didn't really feel that much. No anxiety or anything. Coming out I went really down. Just before the session ended, she said to me "you're feeling very vulnerable". I then realised I had just about wrapped both arms around myself.

    From then on, I've felt shocking. Thinking about my ex a lot. My sister spoke to her on Thursday. She was going to tell me what they talked about but I told her I don't want to know anything that's going on in my exes life. Any reasons why it's suddenly hit me life a brick after nearly 7 weeks of no contact? I know 7 weeks is nothing after 12 years but the strength of emotions nearly overwhelmed me.

    ps. Still nobody interested in the house

  2. Things are going okay, I guess. I know that I haven't let go and still harbour hopes of a reconciliation with my ex. But it's only been a month since we last had any contact. That's nothing after a 12 year relationship, I know.

    My sister went out for a meal with my ex. I know I shouldn't have let her tell me what they talked about, but I did. My ex said to my sister "If I think I've made a mistake, I'll just have to live with it". Same words she said to in the beginning. She said she misses me but doesn't know if that's just because she's lonely or she loves me. I hurt now.

  3. OMG! Today I felt like my head was going to explode. I was getting more and more wound up by the lack of fairness on my exes part regarding the mortgage payments. I just logged onto my bank account and hovered over cancelling the direct debit. Didn't cancel it though. I want to! ;-)

  4. I try hard

    To put you out of mind

    Every night alone

    I'm thinking 'bout you

    How can I avoid this

    Pain without you

    I won't cry

    I won't be sorry no more

    I know that this is something I'll get over

    Maybe I can learn to love another

    It's just a matter of time

    A matter of time


    Just because I lock myself in my room

    It doesn't mean that I'm afraid to talk to

    Those people I know that might have you seen you

    No return

    I keep reminding myself

    I won't look back

    Won't regret a single moment

    I gonna mend this heart inside you've broken

    It's just a matter of time

    A matter of time

    It's just a matter of time

    A matter of time


    Show me the way

    They say safety in numbers

    I lift up my eyes to the sky

    And imagine a crowd

    Of hearts that surround me

    And give the me courage to die

    Were you to weep

    And lie at my feet

    Then you'd wash all

    My troubles away

    And imagine the host

    Of angels around me

    That give me the courage to die

  5. heheh...Sorry. I didn't mean 'letters', I meant post addressed to me. I was going to go over to the house this weekend to pick them up while she's at her mums (she always goes to see her mum on a Saturday). No point now.


    (Final two things I need to change address for. Now I shouldn't get any mail at all at the old place.)

  6. She could refuse to sell it. We both have to agree. it could get very messy, but I don't want that. I think I've been really fair. Hell!, she dumped me yet I moved out. The house is our only tie left. I can properly move on once it's out of the way.

    There is one thing I could do. I can withhold mortgage payments. Then the house gets repossessed by the mortgage lender and sold. We both get nothing. sigh. nar ;-)

  7. Just back from another counseling session and also seeing a solicitor. The session went well. It really is helping me face upto the issues I have. The counselor is great too.

    The solicitor told me what I already knew. My ex doesn't have to pay a thing towards the mortgage. She's entitled to stay in the house until it's sold and she will get 50% of the profits. It's the law. That's as maybe but I think it's morally wrong. It's unfair and I'm pretty angry at the moment. Only hope is if it's sold soon. I've already paid about £1800 in mortgage payments and if it takes a few more months to be sold, I'll be well out of pocket. Grrrr ;-)

  8. I've been doing fine...or so I thought. Found out that one of my sisters is doing her hardest to stay friends with my ex. They went circuit training tonight. Why is it angering me? I feel like my sister is siding with my ex. She hasn't shown any thought to my feeling since dumping me in December. Hasn't paid a penny towards the upkeep of the mortgage, and my sister wants to be friends with her. I feel betrayed. Well, perhaps betrayed is a bit strong but I do feel hurt. Very strange. I'll be having words with my counselor this Thursday about it. ;-)

  9. kate111: Nice words. Don't just say them though, 'do' them. I have changed so much in my life so far, since my break up. A lot of self analysis etc. My first holiday abroad is in 27 days. I'm so excited about my life. I miss my ex so much but there's nothing I can do about that. She dumped me. I'm taking actions to move on....become a better person (hopefully) and just try to enjoy myself and life a little better. I wish you all the happiness in the world. Good luck

  10. Well. I feel like I've gone back a few weeks. My sister came round tonight and started to talk about my ex. She has been friends with her and also has some dealings with her in her job. My sister had sent her a birthday card and they exchanged a couple of text messages. Then my sister asked me what I'd say if my ex said she'd made a mistake and wanted to try again. I should have told her I didn't want to know anything. Have been very tearful tonight.

  11. Today, I changed my address with work, my bank, ebay and paypal. More steps that are saying to me "no going back!". Just over 2 weeks since we had any contact. There's some things we're going to have to discuss, especially regarding the house, but I think I'll leave it another week. Have felt pretty raw this past week. Find myself just daydreaming about her. Then I get annoyed with myself.

    The no contact has helped me. Not just to take a step back and look at myself and also with the healing process but to also look at the relationship we had. I knew we had our problems. I knew we didn't address them. Ended up a festering boil that had to be lanced. I'm glad she did it. It has been a great wake up call for me.

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