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Posts posted by x1010x

  1. Hi


    So I couldn't be more frustrated and stressed about the relationship that I am currently in.

    The guy i'm seeing can be summed up in one word. Complicated.

    You can never tell 100% when he's either joking or being serious.

    However, we both have great sensed of humour thereforeeee are always joking.


    Sometimes though, to me, he just crosses the line. For the last month or so he's really been laying on jokes about ther ladies looking at him, or impressesing other ladies, or meeting "hot ones".

    The first couple times, yeah I could laugh it off. But recently since it's just been getting to me cus whether he's joking or not, it just sucks to hear.

    So, I simply asked him if he could please just take it easy with those types of jokes. (And, as usual, i get the "uhh, whats up?", like he goes through me having problems with him all the time, when this is prob the second thing ive brought up in the last 5 months)

    He totally didnt give a **** that I mentioned it bothed me as much as it did.


    Now, I can honestly say, that's one tiny little thing out of about 200 others almost on a daily basis.


    And to add to the complicatedness, he loves to say hes joking when hes serious and serious when he's joking. This is just getting ridiculous.


    I'm an extremely laid back and simple person, and this is just brutally stressful and tends to bring out the worst in me !


    I love this guy and will do anything to help make this work, however, ive spoken on my end and asked nicely, its up to him. So, since I gotta look out for #1 here, i'd have no problem ending this thing.


    Would appreciate all different opinons please !


    Thanks !

  2. Heyy,


    So, i've got a very long distance relationship on the go at the moment and was just hoping to get some opinions.


    I met him at the end of September '06, and we completely fell for eachother like the crazy kids we are, being 18 and 19. He's simply everything I'd ever be loooking for. We were then separated by the fact that I live in Western Canada and attend college here while he lives in Eastern U.S and attends college there.


    We went a month or so with only having the opportunity to communicate via MSN and by phone on a daily basis.


    At the end of October he dropped $700 for a flight for a very short yet incredible 3 day visit. Then we went another month a bit keeping close and communicating on a daily basis.


    At this point i would have been working part time while going to school for the sole purpose to getting some cash to pay for a ticket of my own for the future. So, at the end of November I dropped $700 for my own short 3 day visit. ( Unfortunetly its the lack of being able to miss so much school thats causing these visits to be so short)


    Its now Jan. 11 and I haven't seen him since Dec.1. I have zero cash to spare yet am working once again so we can split on another ticket.


    Bottom line is we love eachother very much and just want to be together.


    The way we see it, after this semester (5 months roughly) is over for the both of us, we'll have all the time in the world.


    However, as for the future, we have no idea how to go about being together because of the fact that we have different citizienships, so thereforeeee can only be in the other country for so long etc. We can't do school in eachother countries simply because of international fees being ridiculously expensive, and as for work, I believe it is plenty of work getting a permit or something similar or what not.


    It would be awsome if anybody had any sort of suggestions as to how this could go about.


    Thank ya !



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