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Posts posted by hot_chick2630

  1. hey i am having the same problem as u but the other way around i broke up with my bf the other day and he wants me back but my parents rnt allowing it. as he never used 2 talk 2 em and stuff. so i think u shold try and talk 2 her mom and see if what ur ex said was true and once u know try and change em and be friend wit ur ex and show her mom that uve changed. but when her mom aint around be friendly with ur ex but not friendly so that ull be friends but also not toooo friendlyif u know what i mean hopefully itll work out well 4 u hun


  2. i have been with my boyfriend for 9 months on and off this is our third time with have got back and we both said itwoud be our last, at first things were great and mostof the time they are but in 1 wek i am going to england for 3 weeks and instead of trying to spend time with me before i leave he goes out with his brother on the nights that we are meant to go otu on our dates our whatever i yelled at him last time and he promised never to treat me like that again but today i called and he wasn at home, none of his family know were he is it is now 5 hours since i 1st called and he still isnt home he did this 2 days ago what should i do? is is bad news? or am i just over reacting? love hayley

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