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mister clever

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Posts posted by mister clever

  1. you have two people as friends/lovers/interests. be friends with both. see who you are comfortable with and who likes you. see where you find trust. look for trust. trust is love. who do you trust? who trusts you? where are you comfortable. do not take any of it too serious. be safe. do not be led where you do not want to go. slow down. get to know yourself.

  2. What do I think about lesbians? I think I want to marry one. Why do I want to marry a lesbian?

    1. I absolutely can not stand regular people and their regular ideas.

    2. I am a sort-of homosexual male with no desire whatsoever with a marriage

    relationship with another male. FYI, this also means I am not promiscuous, in fact am as celibate as a rock. Attractive, too.

    3. I want to have a family. I do not want to live alone forever.

    4. To me, the female mind represents the ultimate. when I think of "men" i think of donald rumsfeld and sadaam hussein, two killers made for each other.


    Really, you've worn me out.


    That is what I think of lesbians.

  3. i have had a number of friends go off the skids. i think i too have given others that impression wen i once packed up and left town without a word. my life had miserably disintegrated and i was "outta there."


    probably more than guilt, what you are feeling is that you miss your friend. i have several friends who go in and out of focus regarding being online, emailing, or communicating with me. as people grow up, sometimes they leave the internet and get it on with life around them, so to speak. sometimes you have to. there is no free checkbook. get used to the idea that people have to work and have a career.


    i have also had some friends flat out reject me. and this is after we were very close or worked together creatively. some people are petty underneath it all. well, that is life. part of growing up is all that sleep-over good-times hang-out mentality definitely gets thrown into the crusher machine. inevitably, people bond with one other person or become loners because they need quiet, and when this happens, it is goodbye and "see you!" to their previous basket and bunch of friends.


    May God bless you and keep you, my friend. Find something you are interested in and work hard to get there.

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