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Miss Noelle

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Posts posted by Miss Noelle

  1. I really do love him. We make a great team. My strengths are his weaknesses and vice versa. We are learning to be friends again and that is why when he asked me to marry him I accepted his proposal. I guess you are right though because I do sort of feel like i am carying a little baggage because of how things were in the past. I hope we can work through this for our son's sake. When he was gone we were both so miserable without him.

  2. Hi,


    I have to agree with Momene and Guest12345678. She is just probably used to being single. Allot of times people try not to get too close because they are affraid of being disappointed or hurt. You defininately neet to tell her how you feel and if things don't get better then you know what to do. There are plenty of nice women out there that are looking for a guy to be attentive and go shopping with them (smile)


    Hang in there things, will get better just talk to her.

  3. OK I am a happy health 27 year old woman. I have been through what I can safely say one of the most dramatic yeard of my life. My Son's father and I broke up August of 2005 and he ran off and married someonelse two months later only out of spite. To make a really really long story short. Since then he has apologized to me a million times to both my friends family and our son. We are back together and we are doing great. In fact we will be getting married next year in October.


    Yes I was hurt deeply by his actions... but am I still carrying the hurt. He barely turns me on. I have since the initial break up taken a vow of celebacy. So we have not been intiment for about seven months. He has been really really patient with me up until lately. He has been asking me for a key to my place so that he can live with me and his son. He also has been asking for sex. We both agreed that we should wait until the time is right, however his right timing and mine are the total opposite. I don't want to have sex with him right now. I am almose never horny and he just doesn't do it for me like he used to. Could it be that I am still carrying the pain from the past?


    I feel like this is a second chance for us to be together and give our son a chance to see his mother and father together happy but what to do when our sexual chemistry is wayyyyyy off?

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