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Posts posted by GetFighted

  1. I hope this is the right place for this sort of topic. By the way, hello all 2 of the members who knew me. I left for a while, been busy. I'll try to post more from now on.




    This is a problem I've had for a while now, and I'm not quite sure how to handle it. It never occurred to me until recently that this might be a problem for a lot of girls.


    I'm bullied at school. No, not by other girls. I get along great with girls my age.


    But the guys...they seem to have it in for me. Now, I'm not exactly pretty, but the way they treat me you'd think I was some kind of monstrosity. o_O There are very few boys who are actually very nice to me, which I'm thankful for. But some of the boys, like one today, shove me in the hallways, insult me to my face, and just plain disrespect me. I know it's wrong, and I try to ignore it or stand up for myself but it's just not working out. Just today these two boys I'm forced against my will to sit near in English class call me by some abos-freakin-louetly ridiculous nickname that's been branded to me since Elem. school.


    (My name is Letrice, that's "Laa-treece" but my fellow 8th graders think it's the funniest thing ever to call me "Let-rice". *headdesk*) It really doesn't bother me, but it's the fact that I repetedly asked them to call me by my NAME, and they still continued.


    Getting to the point, would anyone happen to have any tips on how I can stand up against these boys? Don't even try to tell me to "ignore it" cos' I've been trying that for the last year, and it ain't working.


    I thank you in advance,


  2. Well, thanks for the suggestions. I would get contacts, except I'm only 13 and my mom won't let me. I would let my hair down, except my mother makes me have it in braids all the time. I'd wear some natural-looking make-up, but my mother won't let me wear anything other than lip gloss. I'd buy some new clothes, except my parents are always telling my I have no style or taste, so I have to wear what they like to get them off my back.


    Basically I'm just waiting until I can make some money somewhere, so i can buy my own things. I honestly can't wait to start working.


    Thanks for the advice and suggestions, though. I'll make sure to talk to new people tomorrow. I'll have to take your Uncle's advice. =D

  3. Yeah, title says it all. Allow me to explain...


    I have this friend, Emily. She came to my school about two years ago and we clicked, immedietly. We were just insperable, for a while. Since we've began this school year though, nothing's the same. She's too busy with all her other friends to invite me to her house, or hang out with me. Whenever I invite her to do something, she's always "busy". She says we're best friends, but we're definitly not tight like we used to be.


    To make matters worse, I don't really have any other friends. I have Brianna, who moved away over the summer. We're much closer than Emily and I ever were, but I don't see her as often. We still keep in contact, but she has lots of new friends now. Brianna and Emily are outgoing, and I can be shy, sometimes. I'm really only quiet when I'm around adults.


    All of Emily's friends just ignore me. I'm friendly to everyone, and I'd like to make new friends, but it's not easy seeing as everyone is already in their cliques or whatever. If I could, I'd join some sort of extracurricular activity, but there just aren't any. I go to a small, crappy public school that has no clubs or teams or anything. I'm not really good at anything, so I could never join a sports team. Plus I know my parents wouldn't want to deal with transporting me from A to B, and would do their best to dissuade me if I were to ever suggest such a thing. I'm too young to get a job, and I've got another year until I can be a Candy Striper (which is something I've been wanting to do for a long time).


    I hate listening to my classmates talking about sleeping over at each others' houses, or going to the mall, while I have no one. I'm the quiet girl sitting in the corner, with the glasses and greasy face that tries to talk and be heard, but unfortunately, no one listens. No really, I will say something and everyone will just not hear me. Such things bother me.


    So, er, help? Please?

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