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Posts posted by Icarus

  1. Its a Good thing to be a virgin trust me. I am not a superstar playa nor can I say I'm a stallion but I've had my fair share of Poom poom to know that I should've waited.


    I am also 24 years old and am still involved with my first love, we broke up about 9 months ago but we still see each other regularly. Even with her I wished I'd have waited to have sex until we were married because after awhile sex became unsatisfying to the point where I was never satisfied and always wanted it like a drug. The fear of catching an STD-which I've luckily never had but thought I did- is a killer all by itself and is not worth the pleasure,trust me.


    Your situation isn't all that bad, likewise men like Virgins, women appreciate a virgins innocence as well especially when they find out your not just lying to them to get laid. I was a virgin once too and let me tell you I felt the pressure. Now that I'm 24 I realize I could've waited for the right woman to come along and I would have never had to suffer through the lies that come along with that whole life.



    My advice would be to also Get a JOB and save up some money to buy yourself some nice Clothes and get a haircut,As well as going to the gym and playing sports, start taking mid afternoon strolls and deliberately say hi to people (men and women) in your age group and just have conversations about life shoot the breeze with everyone and try to meet new people through everyone you meet.



    the worst thing you could do is just stay home and cry about how bad your life is,you've gotta get up and do something about it.

  2. There are two avenues you could take



    1. Don't say anything to her at all but do Semi Romantic things like Go rollerblading and have a Picnic, Always have something sweet to give her and something sweeet to say about how good she looks to you. All the while never reveal your true feelings for her. Observe her Body Language towards how you treat her,this is the Important part. Body language says everything if she starts falling for you she'll automatically make plans with you on weekends and Holidays and she'll be eager to spend every moment with you because of how you make her feel. Otherwise if she's not interested she'll date other guys and string you along and even have the nerve to tell you about how her dates went and who she has a crush on,you'll eventually start being called her "best friend".


    2. Have a very homely Evening where its just the two of you at one or the others house just chillin, Instigate some Drinking maybe smoke a little bit of marijuana to lighten each other up then just absentmindedly kiss her,stop,look into her eyes and then kiss her passionately.....Not that you want to but if she's interested she may take over if you know what I mean.




    The thing is you already know she likes you and she's known for awhile your feelings for her,you both need to stop being the cowardly couple someone needs to grab someone to create a reaction.That reaction will either be good or bad but it will draw the line.

  3. Hey amar!



    Here is the best way to go up to an unknown Woman(girls are illegal).





    Keep in mind though this is only if she gives you some clue that she'd like to talk to you otherwise it won't work....




    After the 2nd time you meet eyes,Smile at each other or exchange any positive body language, Casually walk up to her showing no signs of fear, in fact give her your Colgate Smile.



    She should Mirror your Smile at this point and by the time you reach her she'll introduce herself or you simply say "Hi, My name is Amar and yours?..." The rest of the conversation really takes care of itself especially if you are funny and have something interesting to say.



    The key is to get her talking simply ask her question...First probing questions like " So do you know this person that is at this party"----if yes--"Oh really thats cool from where" or try "So what brings you here?" when you get more confidence simply introduce yoself then ask her to dance,women like a Man that leads.



    Avoid early complimenting, women think that your just a playa when the compliments are too good to be true.

  4. As a Male I find your behavior very Shallow,Shady and another sh word that will be moderated.


    Imagine he was stringing you along,you wouldn't appreciate it.Imagine whenever he thought of you he became stressed and felt that he couldn't be honest with you bcoz it would hurt you to know the truth of how he felt.



    You are right though being honest about this will hurt anybody,I suggest you wait for the next argument you have to say what you have to say.



    He probably feels somewhat the same as you do its all just a matter of communicating your true feelings to each other.



  5. As a Male experiencing the same Problem with my longtime girlfriend I can easily say that he's hiding something from you. Any time you feel like your interrogating someone, you probably are.



    Either start ignoring his ass or dump his ass, tell him you can't trust him because he never opens up his true feelings or thoughts and you need someone to share your intellect with. If he doesen't try to express himself after that, let him go. I've learned that the best part of relationships is sharing your innermost thoughts and dreams with an unbiased open minded partner.

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