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Posts posted by camd66

  1. Lily,

    Just a guy's point of view here, but not every guy will be turned off or upset at your lack of sexual experience. As you get to know someone (and allow him to get to know you) he will respect that as being part of you. When that time comes it will feel truly special to both of you.

    Being overly analytical and/or hypercritical of others can be a very effective defense mechanism. Focusing on someone's flaws helps keep him at a safe distance but the cost outweighs any benefit.

    Don't overanalyze your lack of experience. Sexual intimacy is, by definition, unique to the two people involved. There is no right way--comfort, pleasure, action and response grow from your union. When you meet the right person and the time is right, let it happen naturally.

    I will you happiness.

  2. The first justification is, "If I can just get this one last fling out of my system, I'll be ready." My reaction to that is

    - if the urge to be with someone else is that strong

    - if you surrender to that urge so easily


    how long will it be before you have to get something else out of your system?

    A lifetime is a long time to stay faithful.


    There are married people you meet who might meet someone they find attractive but they're not going to act on it. That's as far as it goes.


    Then you meet the married people who are still on the prowl. They're just waiting for circumstances to comply.


    There probably are some people who have the last fling and then stay true. For the other 99%...

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