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Everything posted by ExhumationOfMe

  1. I love people who are straight forward. Thank you. I've been trying to look for a job latley. I had an internship at the local crime lab here but since they can't hire me for another year I'm kinda stuck in limbo land. I like playing a few games with my boyfriend, like DotA, Halo and Halo2. On my own time I go out to visit my dad. I have my own Xbox there, but I play a few games now and then, then watch movies. I like some games, but I'm picky, and I don't get addicted and let it control my life. I'm not afraid of losing him. He always tells me I have first priority, and if I want him to stop doing something, he will. I can do that. I just don't know how to talk to him about his "addiction". It makes him happy. He has 5 siblings, besides his twin brother. Both younger siblings are married with kids, as are his older siblings. I'm just wondering if he'll ever grow up. A 29 year old man who's ambition in life is to be a "super hero" has issues. I love him, I want him to be happy, but I don't want to sacrifice my happiness, for him to be happy.
  2. Thank you all for your comments To answer this question specifically, I admire a ton of things about him. He's a really sweet guy. Has a lot of nice friends, not all of them are gamers. He's smart. He treats me like gold. He does come away from the games if I ask him to. He's good looking (Had to throw that one in). He's everything a boyfriend should be, personality wise. It's just the games get in the way of our time. Just now he said something to me about "warriors" in WoW and I have no idea what he's talking about. He's sitting at his computer writing down every bit of information about his brothers character... I mean EVERYTHING. The "stats" unclothed", "clothed", "Armored", "not armored". Ugh. ](*,)
  3. I'm 20 years old. My boyfriend is 29. We've been dating for 7 months now and I love him to death. He's my everything. I have just one problem. He sits in front of his computer nearly 24/7. If he's not there, he's role playing with his friends, or in front of the tv with a playstation, xbox, etc. controller in his hands. I've been living with him and his roommates for 5 months now and I can put up with all of it easily, but it gets annoying, very easily. We go to sleep, have our alone time for however long we sleep, wake up and he goes straight for his computer. He always says I can take him away from any game if I want to, and when I try to he says "Let me do this" and sits there for another hour or two or makes a little whiney noise and gets up. Don't get me wrong. He treats me absolutely amazing. That's why I love him. He has an identical twin brother who is exactly the same way. Any time a new game comes out, they're the first on the pre-order lists and the first to spend hundreds of dollars on stupid, pointless, endless games. They yell at their "characters" and get really aggrivated if something doesn't go the way they want it. Time to vent. ITS A COMPUTER! IT CAN'T HEAR YOU! IT DOES WHAT THE LITTLE MOUSE IN YOUR HAND TELLS IT TO DO!... K. Done. Anywho. Their house is full of games, and action figures. Not what you'd expect when you walk into a house full of men in their mid and late 20's. How do I get my boyfriend to grow up and get away from the games? Especially WoW... God, I hate WoW! No sense in that game. Someone help! I love him! He loves me! I don't want to hurt him, and I don't want to leave him! EVER! He's a great person and a wonderful boyfriend, despite the time he spends with his games. He's my everything Is there something wrong with me? ](*,)
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