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Posts posted by momentsatheart

  1. me and my b/f have been together for about 8months now.. curently hes on military leave visiting for the holidays and staying at my place for the next 2 weeks.. so theres a few things that have been bothering me, were in a ldr and i find myself getting annoyed at the little things he does or doesnt do. im not sure if its because weve been together non-stop since hes been home for the past week and a half, but before we started dating we were really close for about a year and never really had this problem.. One thing that bothers me is that for christmas i bought him a 300$ psp and i didnt get anything from him.. The airport lost his bags and he sed he was going to make it up but i really think hes just gona blow it off.. i mean im not a greedy person but i was expecting atleast to get a card or sumthing little... i want to bring it up but im waiting for the rite time too, so i havent meantioned anything. theres just little things that have been irratating me that arent really a big deal, i just dont know how to shake this off.

  2. i feel absolutly horrible rite now. me and my boyfriend have been together for about 7months now. we all have the same friends, and me and my b/f have been friends for awhile before we started going out together. When we first told our friends that we were together, they were automatically turned off by the idea and they told my boyfriend that he shouldnt be with me because he was gona get hurt, i was crazy, i was going to cheat on him, and ect.. they judging me on my past relationship and how it turned out. Now that weve been together for awhile its starting up again with my friends, there telling him that he shouldnt be with me and its not a good idea. My relationship with my bf is amazing and we get along so well, he told me he wasnt going to listen to anything they have to say. But the fact of the matter is they are supposta be my friends and there saying all this stuff about me. i want to confront my friend about what shes saying but im not sure how to approach her about it. please i need some insight on this problem. thank you all.

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