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Posts posted by always_mikes89

  1. you jus tore up my heart, i am so sorry for what you are going through. i know breakups are hard to do, especially when you love the person, do u think you could try finding someone else?....try dating around, maybe one day she will come back to you, and maybe you will find that there is someone better right around the corner i wish u all the luck in the world, i am so sorry for what u r going through right now

  2. hi, i am so sorry about what is happened to you, it sounds as if she very depressed and something is bothering her, you dont need someone in your life thats always going to b depressed and lonely. you tried, she wouldnt open up to you. there is other woman out there, that will give you all thier love and always be there, try dating around to take your mind off things, if you are still available when she gets herself together you never know she may come back. true love always comes back, give her a chance but at the mean time try and get yourself together too, you never know you may meet someone who will make you fall deeper in love and someday have a family with Good Luck

  3. It sounds like your girlfriend need to let you have some rope. if u trully love her, and she trully loves u, you guys should be able to work things out. Have u tried talking to her about how you feel? And explaining to her that u wont cheat if thats what shes worried about. Nobody is perfect, and i know guys dont like to feel trapped Try talking to her, and if that dont work, do what you feel is best, and if she realizes what she lost, you know she will come back arms wide open, give it a shot tell ur girl about how you feel

  4. sorry, i forgot to add this to my last reply, i have tried talking to my parents, but they wont listen, they just say that they know whats right and i dont know what im getting myself into, they also said the only reason he wants to send monry is to trap me, and thats not it at all. also i would love for them to meet my boo, the only thing is, in 2 weeks he has to have surgery because of epilepsy, and i am so worried about him, he is worried and im trying my hardest to b there for him. when i try to talk to them my step dad threatens to beat me if i dont shut up, and he said he will press charges if we talk and he finds out. we r very caustious right now, i hope to god someone helps us, but i dont think there is much of anything anyone can do because of the law please write back i would love to hear from anyone!!




    Ashlie and Mike

  5. hey, thank you so much for responding, this is so hard on us, and we really do wana make this work. N yes, we do know that my parents could press charges, and this does concern us, because they have threatened us. He cried, and it hurt so bad, he crys because he doesnt understand why no matter what he does to try to prove he really loves me, they jus shrug it off and think hes trying to control my life. they have also said that he has brain washed me, which is not true at all. like i said, we were jus friends we didnt expect to fall this deep in love. and yes he is such a wonderful person. i have been played by an older guy when i was 11, and i was stupid, i shouldnt of even been talking to a guy that was 26, he scared me so much, but they didnt pay no mind then. and i am guilty of forgettin my family sometimes.

    i wish i would of never made that mistake, they would of never figured out bout us. i guess thats somethin like when u live n learn. i am learning so much, and i know they are scared for my safety, but i have always been very careful what i get myself into, and i know in my heart this guy doesint mean anything bad, he trully loves me, i can hear it in his voice. im a scorpio lol, i can scence a lier a mile away, nobody can lie to me without me figurin it out and i am willing to wait for him, he is so so good to me, and when we meet if he is totally diff, then i will leave, but i know he isint that way. nobodys perfect, but in my heart hes perfect to me, weather he has epilepsy or not, i will always be by his side I am so glad u guys responded to me, i was so scared to say anything to anyone, in the fear they would turn us in, i dont wana loose my boo, hes my world, i dont wana live without him.

    i trully hope we will be together in the future. Thanks again for answering!! 8)




    Ashlie N Mike

  6. About 9 months ago i met this guy in a chat room. He wasint talking, and he had a catching id to me. so i im'ed him, we talked, and he was upset about what was going on in his life at the time.

    We talked for 20 hours straight that day, nothing but normal things, i had so much fun and he was happy too. We became best friends, talked every chance we got, and it was hard to separate us. He came first in my life and i came first in his. he was my very best friend i had ever had.

    As time went on, i started to get feelings for him that i had never in my life encountered. They grew more strong as time went by, so i mentioned this to him, and he was feeling the same way. But was upset about it, because he had been hurt so many times. He gave me a chance, and we talked 24/7 no matter what. If i wasint with him, i was so upset. He is my everything. Time went on and my parents started to notice something strange about me. they began to think i was on drugs and things like that. Thus they searched my room, and found information about my boo and me.

    They found out that he was 5 yrs older than me, and i am 13. They didnt understand that he would do anything and everything for me. He always bought calling cards so we could talk anytime we wanted and always respected me, he always told me positive things, never anything wrong.

    They tried taking him away, but we got back together. Then they caught us, so they turned off the long distance and threatened me and my boo. We didnt listen though, we love each other. We are still together, and are going to try to keep fighting on. this is tough, and we would like some advice, some pointers, anything.

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