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Posts posted by notalone_user

  1. I think a big part of it is due to media. For me there is a big difference between being beautiful and being hot. I think most of the girls can become hot by putting lots of makeup and wearing something which makes them hot. But that doesnt make them beautiful. Pamela Anderson is hot, but she aint beautiful. Lady Diana was beautiful, but no hot... at least for me.

  2. Well I am in mid twenties and never had a girl friend. I know couple of guys who flunked in university because of bad relationships.


    So take your time... Throughout university I only hung around with guys. And I dont regret it. But I would recommend to get rid of your shyness. It helps talking with other ppl. And actually helps a lot. Try to go to social gatherings where you feel comfortable. If you dont feel comfortable at some place or party, dont go to it... Otherwise you may become even more shy.

  3. Hi,


    Has it ever become a problem in your relationship that your partner feels intimated by you making more money than them.


    What i am trying to ask is do relationships work out where the guy doesnt has a stable job but the girl is getting showered with money. So when trying to find a partner should we go only for ones with same financial level or is it not a big deal.


    I hope noone minds me talking business here.

  4. well, I think you might want to cultivate a better attitude. how will you find a girl if this is how you feel about yourself???


    why don't you tell me some good things about yourself?



    Here are the good things abt myself:


    1. i have an incredibly boring job... so boring that its stessful and i dont think it will lead me to any career.


    2. i have no social life. at home, most of my time is spent on the net or watching tv.


    3. my network is less than 10 ppl.


    4. i made the wrong choice of program for university and thereforeeee couldnt get a decet job at graduation which led to some serious depression (and i am still recovering from that).


    5. when i got to social gatherings, usually i am just standing alone.


    6. i have a feeling that i am getting old very quickly


    7. unfortunately i cant seem to find a passion which is rewarding


    8. i have a fear that someday either i will get fired from my job or simply resign from it and than i wouldnt know what to do


    9. i seem to be riding downhill. the more delay in finding mental stability and happiness the worst.


    Unfortunately i cant think of anymore good things about myself.

  5. you may want to spend some time cultivating your own self-esteem, some hobbies, confidence then before you start looking for women. figure out what you have to offer a woman first.


    i know it's within you!


    Cultivating ... ??? I guess thats very easy to say. But why the heck do these things matter ? I mean not everyone can be a superman. And even if i try to pose confidence and what not,,, that wouldnt truly be me right. I dont want any girl to have high expectations because i know i am such a loser and eventually she will find out.

  6. So by browsing through this forum it seems to me girls are interested in men who are confident, charming, outgoing and have a sense of humour. What if i dont have any of that??? I dont want to project a fake image of confidence and charm and blah blah blah. And I wouldnt call myself a very nice person either. I just cant force myself to be caring and helpful all the times. So does that mean I got no chance of finding a nice girl ???

  7. Alright so lately I have been really into a girl and I am unsure what I can even do to progress a friendship/relationship. First let me give you a background of the situation, then I would appreciate some advice.


    Before we met, she had continually smiled at me whenever she saw me at school. It wasn't just a generic smile, this girl singled me out, straight up looked at me, and gave me some of the most beautiful smiles ever. And that's what attracted me to her.


    Anyways, after that week of meeting her, the following week something fell apart. I have no clue what went wrong, but she seemed to not dig me anymore. She told me she had just broken up with her ex-bf recently and she didn't want a bf right now. She also told me she can't hang out for 2 months!


    I dont get it. Why was she eyeing you while she had a bf ??? So while she was "in" a relationship she liked hanging around with you, but when she gets "out" of her relationship with her ex she doesnt want you anymore. wth???

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