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Posts posted by ccbrat17

  1. heres the problem, i have been with my boyfriend since my first day of my new school,roughly a year ,but we have been firends for two years been through it all, he even loved me after the two times i have been to jail... he proposed to me last v-day, i mean we had a really good relationship aside from little tiffs here and there. anyway he moved to florida because his parents got a better job and we, especially i was not ready finacially to be on my own even with him. i went to stay with my papa in georgia for a while and he stayed with me for about two weeks (this happened twice but he could find a job there) but now the new relationship feeling is wearing off and even though i love him so very VERY much, i dont know what to do to help us.i dont want to loose him. i know people have to work on relationships to keep them stable but this is the first relationship of this magnitude ive been in...i just feel so lost and helpless, like he is slipping away from me and there is nothing i can do to help me and him... he has said he wont leave me but i know he can feel whats happening. i am so desperate for some ideas, input, ANYTHING!!!!

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