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Posts posted by Meena

  1. What i think is that she needs to be in constant touch with you because she hasn't forgotten you and wants to constantly embarrass you by calling you X. neither does she want that you forget her and be happy in your own life.

    Maybe she is trying to make you feel that its because of you the breakup occurred and now even if you want her back she will not be back to you...

    things like that.

    Im sure her only motto is to see u sad without her..that shall satisfy her ego!

    this is very normal though for those who dont want their partners to feel good without them even after breakup. they just want them to be around and sad all the time. Once you get into any relationship she will truly break and realize her mistake. Right now she is enjoying fishing around and taunting you and so on. If you really have thought to breakup with her you must notr have any contact or invite any contact with her. tell her clearly..if she doesnt agree..tell her that you are in another relationship and the other girl doesnt like this contact.

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