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Posts posted by LoveYouToPieces

  1. I've been reading your post, and I know exactly how it feels to feel this way I also lost my virginity at 15, and believe me I freaked out about the same issue (thankfully I wasn't pregnant).. and now when I think about it, as much as I thought I was mature at that age and ready to be having sex... I wasn't. But you live and you learn, and obviously I can't take back my decisions... but I can tell you, just to be careful.. prepare yourself for the worst every single time you have sex, condoms are not 100% protection, and sometimes.. even the pill isn't. (.. of course when taken properly they are... but we're human's and we're forgetful, and we often forget) .. back to my point, just try to relax for the time being... you can't make your period any sooner, and like you said.. you have alot of stress in your life now... so maybe just to put yourself at ease... try a pregnancy test.. hope this helps.


    Take care, best of luck... and sorry about your parents


    I've also been through that all... but I was much younger then you.

  2. hmmm.. the only thing I can think of, is that she is just very insecure. Maybe with herself, is she a shy girl? Im guessing she's never had an orgasm (because... then not liking sex, wouldn't be an issue) Why don't you just sit down and have a serious talk with her, tell her how you feel... and that pleasuring her is something you want to do. You want her to feel good, and experiance what you do. Sex isn't just sex when two people are in love, are comfortable with one another and trust one another. I think you should let her know, that there is a whole other level of your relationship that she is missing out in. Making love is beautiful, and with the one you are ready to spend the rest of your life with, makes it all the better.


    Good luck with this.

  3. Well my period came a day later then expected, but it came. But I guess it just wasn't meant to happen yet. I know we are both on the same page, my boyfriend and I, he's said it to me that he is ready to have a child with me. But the only reason that we haven't "officially tried" I suppose is because, we're not married, and I do know that planned pregnancy would be more comforting then an unexpected one, even if both of us do want a baby. I know it is one thing to want one, and another to be ready for one. Thank you, for everyones advice.. and support.





  4. I have a few questions? First off I have pretty much always had regular bowel movements, and the past few days.. I haven't been able to go at all. This is my first time being consitpated, and I was wondering if prossibly this was a sign or symptom of me being pregnant? The other thing is that I should be expecting my period on the 27th or 28th of October.. and usually by now, I would have had sore breasts... or some sort of sign that it's coming. (I have very regular periods) Would this be something that pregnancy would cause aswell? Any reply's would be great, hope to hear from you soon

  5. ummm? If I want to get pregnant why would I be using condoms? Well the thing is like I mentioned before, If it happeneds then we'll both be thrilled... but as of intentionally trying to get pregnant, neither of us are trying.


    I want to get pregnant, and my question was simply if anyone has become pregnant or knows someone who has with "pre-cum"?


    If anyone has any info it is greatly appreciated, and thank you to those who have replyed.

  6. Both my Partner and I are 24, we've been together for 2 and a half years. Just to let everyone know, I do want to get pregnant. Our reasons for not using any other method for birthday control are because of our personal choices. We both love one another, we know and trust each other fully and completely, We're simply not "trying" to get pregnant, but if it happened, we'll both be thrilled. I know my first thread might not have been very informative.. but I hope this one helps. I was just wondering, if anyone knows any %'s on the chances of getting preg, with pre-cum. I know this is an often question.... but in other words, Im not worried that I will get pregnant... I am acually hoping I will.


    Thanks for any replys


    .. but In anycase, If so *keeping my fingers crossed* I will know by the end of this week if I am pregnant or not.



  7. I am new at this whole "thread posting" so if anyone could please give me any advice on this it would be greatly appreciated.

    Here is the story. I have been with my boyfriend for a good 2 years and some, and we are incredibly happy, and I am certain he is the one. The thing is we both love children, we both talk about it as a "one day..." thing. But lately, I have become almost obsessed with the thought of having one now. The issue here is that when we have sex we don't use condoms, I am not on the pill... and we use the pull out method. I know that this method isn't typically the smartest, and this I don't seem to mind. Anyways, this month we happen to have sex "on my most fertile days" More then once, he "cummed" (pulling out)... and then we had sex again. I was wondering what are the chances that I could get pregnant?.. with pre-cum? or any other little bit he would have had "around his man"? Any replys are appreciated, thanks.

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