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lifes good

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Posts posted by lifes good

  1. I'm in the most loving, happy relationship,but for the past 2 years we have strugled with impotence. We are both under 35, so i most certainly didn't expect things to slow down yet.

    We have only just really started to talk about it the last few months, it feels like we have gained some ground, but its hard to know the next step, or what would be most productive to talk about.

    There is a pysical side to it, with pre diabetes, and low testostrone, been diagnosed, but wheter its just because its been gone so long, or the promlems were pre exsiting, there is also a physiological side to it.

    We both seem to lack the self esteem we used to feel in that area.




    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. maybe think to your self why you first fell in love with her, and ask your self if deep down you do still love her. True love never dies but sometimes the fire could use restoking.A check up might be good for your wife to address her lack of sex drive.

    Talk to your wife, work on it, maybe seek counselling.

    Wishing you the best of luck.

  3. Due for a check up soon of which testosterone treatment would be discussed, the dr thought to try a dieabetic diet first to see if that helps. I'm not over weight. Would like to work out the mental side of things in a way before the drive comes back. A lot of anxiety when I think about things happening again.

  4. I am in my early thirties,in a very loving relationship and have experienced impotence for about 2 years.I have had a health check, and was diagnosed as pre diabetic, and with low testosterone. Its been gone for so long, it feels awkward, to get it back. We have only just started talking about it, and we both want it back. It can be a difficult subject to discuss.

  5. I think it is a emotional affair, you seem to be playing with fire. I think if you care about her, you should want whats best for her, been a happy healty marrige. Suggesting that her and her husband seek counselling, may be very beneficial. In saying that you are just friends, ask your self if you would tell a male friend that you love him?

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