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Posts posted by RWSauron

  1. I was talking on MSN with her today, we were cool, nothing wrong, she had a tournament with horse jumping, i know how to ride too, i own a farm and i thought she might like me more if she knew i had 7 horses and we could go riding but i did not metion this... anywayz she said i should go and watch her horse jump and i said i was looking forward to it. I was planning on watching but maybe i could do something more, i mean i'm really shy but it might be the day to confront my shyness and forfill my destiny, after all i love her with all my heart. By the way i'm in Grade 8, i have kissed girls alot and made out, i know how, but she has gone way futher, i mean she has givin blowjobs and handjobs and shes even been fingered.

  2. Thanks for the Advice, but i'm very shy around her, i feel if i talk to her and say something wrong she might get the wrong impression of me. She is on my bus i sit a seat away from her, i rarely talk to her, but i talk to her on MSN alot. she knows how i feel for her, i've written poems and comlimented her. I havn't done this too fast. She is single and has been for over 2 weeks. I'm starting to give up, i dont think i have ever talked to her in person it makes me nervous. She may be kinda stupid when it comes to choosing the right guy but she is very beautiful and kind, I think she likes athletic and men that stand out in a group. I am athletic, I'm the best Golie in hockey and the best pitcher in baseball in our entirer school. All the other guys even say to her they dont like her but they will use her. And i need to talk to her in person, but i dont know how i can. The guys even tease her and hurt her, like yesterday someone threw a waterbottle at her back, she said ouch turned around and forgot about it. I'm afriad the other guys wouldn't let me stand out in the group. They think thier all that and they only care about themselves.

  3. I'm having problems with relationships... i'm really confused!?!... Its been over a year since i went on a date with a girl. I really like this girl...shes very attractive, and the other guys only use her for sex. I get really annoyed becuz she doesn't even care and she knows it. I just want to spend time with her and protect her and be there for her when she needs somebody. It seems we both are shy to talk to each other. I really need advice. My friend is going for her best friend too. He is really close to getting her but i'm not having luck. The girl I like just doesn't understand the opportunity shes missing and when she gets older she'll be sorry. I think if anyone can help me it would really change my life. This girl means everything to me and to see people use her, just breaks my heart.

    If i had one wish it would be to have her. Please help it would mean so much. theres only 2 months before graduation and i need to act fast. Although i'm going to the same highschool i want to get her this year.

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