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Posts posted by Fire012

  1. Hey u no what....Im 19 and hence im kinda positive though i seem to complain a lot. I dont think appearances r important though it may to some. Just try to make some good friends and hold on to them.This takes time however.Im sure they will bring u confidence and other friends.Before i got acne that is two years ago,i was probably one of the coolest guy at high school but the prob was people were scared to speak to me and that's when I realised i was a lone wolf.So never think that others r always better.Just give your life a sense and try to get and tighten some friends.Normally if you believe in anyone, he/she'll believe in u. I just realised that friends r very improtant when i was in a critical problem.And dont forget to cheer up whenever u see urself in the miror because u know and should try to make people understand that: The essential is invisible to the eye but in the heart

  2. I've never had a good social life either but I've got severe acne as well. I worked out for 2 years and I still look like a kid. I've never been invited to any party and I can't look at anyone in the eyes because of my acne.Actually i try to go out only at night.However there's a cure to our shyness problem.For 4 days, try not to meet anyone and try to meditate.Forget about everything.....everything.Afterwards go out as if you don't know anything about the world which you want to discover.Just try to ask people anything such as directions,etc....Then try to know them if they seem understanding and patient....Forget you're shy,OKAY

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