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Posts posted by law4life

  1. Hello, I am a full-time junior in college, a single mother, and a paralegal. I have recently been placed in a horrible situation by the guy I have known for two years, that has me in a total state of shock. It took him 1yr and 6mo. before I would sleep with him. After going through all of the bonding, and courting. We made love, for the first time in April. My grandfather whom was also my father figure passed away in April as well. The emotional tie I had with the man I am pregnant by grew even stronger after I lost the most important person in my life. This man went as far as telling me he was going to adopt my two oldest sons. He was supposed to be going back in the military and I was going to be a military wife. I was willing to give up my goals for a while to follow his. Well, we had a heart-to-heart one evening, he told me he is married!!! Not only that, two weeks later he told me he has another woman pregnant (whom is not his wife). I was like, speechless to say the least. To this day, I go from okay, to being in a complete emotional rage with him. I contemplated not having this child just to get rid of him, it is so hard, I never want to see him again, and I am carrying his child. To think the man I loved and trusted could lie and betray so many people, not just me. He is currently still dating other women to top it off, now he feels as though he has "cleaned out his closet" he is being honest about everything else. For God's sake, this man is a real work of art. I am 15wks pregnant, he wont cut my grass, or help me with anything else. After my being so picky about men, I fell pregnant by the biggest looser. Go figure. I am keeping the baby, as soon as I give birth my boss is walking the child support motion over the the court. He will pay one way or another, and yes, I became quite the researcher, and called his house, and informed his wife I was pregnant. She didnt care, seems he has brought 3 other children into the world with other women since he has been married to her. Go figure

  2. Hi, I am more than sorry for anyone who is caught in a terrible situation. It's funny how some things can bring a true persons intention to light. I have known the guy I am pregnant by for 2 years, also he failed to tell me he was married. I did not find out until I told him I was pregnant. Also, he tells me another woman is pregnant by him, I was more than beside myself, and honestly still am. I cannot cry about it, because I put myself in this situation to begin with. I am having the baby with or without him. I already have children, however, they were born in respectful situations. This is not, and that is the hardest thing to deal with. I havnt had a good nights sleep in months. I am deeply sorry for your situation, all I can say is that we all go through something at some point in our lives that we did not want to, all we can do in these situations is be strong and stay encouraged no matter what other people do. These jerks will ger theres.

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