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Posts posted by nhenzie

  1. thanks a lot guys, you have no idea how much i value your advice. next time i talk to her i'm gonna tell her something along the lines of what caro33 suggested(in my own words of course You've all been very helpful; thanks again

  2. sorry for not posting for a while, i've been really busy lately. But I've...accuired some more info; it turns out this guy is her ex FIANCÉ; after a bit of convincing on my part, (she said) i get to meet him...but he's still gonna be staying at her place for about a week or so. I just don't underetand it, she claims he's her bestfriend...then why did they break up in the first place!?

    aarrggghh why are some women so confusing?..

  3. well scout, you said exactly what i was thinking...unfortunately. I might just tell her that it bothers me and see how she takes that and depending on how she takes it i'll go from there. The reason i'm apprehensive about ending it is cause she's my first girlfriend in 2yrs (i'm painfully shy); but i guess we'll just have to see.....

  4. Yeah, they'll be alone, which is what makes me all the more uncomfortable. Do you think i should tell her I'm not ok with it? I just really don't understand why she doesnt' want me to meet him either I'm not usually one to be suspicious but i can't help but be, in this situation. I'm just so confused, i'm not sure what to think or do.....

  5. First here's a little background info. We've been going out for about 3 weeks and they've ben thebest 3 weeks of my life. We haven't had sex yet, which really doesn't bother me (I'm a virgin), but apparently a few nights ago she told a mutual friend she "really wants to get laid" which kinda confuses me cause all she has to do is ask...which leads me to believe that she doesn't want to have sex with me because i'm a virgin.

    Now on to her exs; it seems she has remained friends with about 75% of them which, at first, I thought was kinda weird, but i've come to accept it; but here's where it gets weird, one of her ex boyfriends is coming into town in january and he's gonna be staying at my girlfriends appartment; evenm weirder so, she doesn't want me to meet him, she said it would be "too awkward". At first i just told her i was ok with it, but the more i think about it the less comfortable i get about the whole situation. I mean, i trust her as much as much as you can trust somebody you've known for 3 weeks, but I've never met her ex so i don't really trust him and really don't see what his intentions could be.

    I'm not really sure what i should do, the annoying thing, is that wether i'm ok with it or not, he's coming down for a few days, i obviously can't stop him. What do you guys think i should do?




    sorry if this is in the wrong forum, i wasn't really sure where to post this.

  6. hey guys, so i've finally got a girlfriend after 19yrs of singleness(I'm 19yrs old) and so far it's amazing; the only thing is, since i've been single my whole life i really don't know any "relationship etiquette" such as how often i should call her, how i should be around her at work (we work together(it's just another job so it's not a big deal if i get fired or were to quit)) etc. I guess what i'm trying to say is, i wanna be a good boyfriend but don't really know how.

  7. So there's a girl i work with that i'm crazy about, I'd love to ask her out, but i can't tell if she's genuinely flirting with me or flirting for the fun of it. We get a long really well at work and i've hung out with her and a cpl of her friends a few times we had a great time, i was making her laugh, i got along with her friends famously yadda yadda yadda; but then a cpl days ago at work, i was gonna ask her if she wanted to go out for dinner and to see a movie, when i overhear a conversation she's having about how she hates men and how they're all jerks (she had a really bad breakup with her last boyfriend, so i can kind of understand).

    We're goin out with a cpl of her friends on friday and saturday night and i was thinking about asking her to dinner either night (for next weekend or some time in the middle of the week). Should i maybe ask her friends if she's over her last bf/ready to start dating again, or should i just ask her myself?


    I'm also kind of intimidated by her cause she seems to be quite experienced with dating (i don't mean she gets around, i jsut mean she's been in more relationships then i have) and to be completely honest if i were to start dating her she'd be my first, not only relationship wise, but sexually aswell(i'm a virgin). Should i even be worried about that or should i just "go with the flow" ?





  8. First of all i'd like the thank everybody who posts here, I've been browsing this forum for quite a while and have found a lot of answers to questions i've had but had nobody to ask them too.

    Anyway; I've just started a new job, and have become very attracted to one of the girls that i work with, out of all the others that work there, I just can't seem to be able to talk to her without getting incredibly nervous and flustered. Even on the rare occasion we're in the lunch room alone together, the only thing i can muster up the courage to say is "hey how's it going" and i proceed to just start reading a newspaper or magazine.


    She recently asked me for my email address so she could add me to msn which i took as a good thing, but even on msn, i can't keep a converstation with her, it's like i'm back in the lunchroom and can't think of anything to say to her apart from "hey hows it going/how was work" and even that's kidna lame, cause i work with her so i know how it was. But on the other hand, i can't get her out of my mind. There's been days when i thought things just couldn't get any worse, then she walks into the room and we make eye contact and it's just like everything else stops and doesn't matter anymore, cause she's there. I've also put a lot of thought into the "don't dip your pen in the company ink" thing, and I've decided that she would be worth is, as well as the fact that this isn't a career, it's "just another job".


    I'm also very inexperienced with flirting/dating which doesn't exactly help my confidence level. I'm also a little intimidated by her as she's a supervisor at work, she's also a bit older then me, which again, doesn't help, although it's only 2yrs(I'm 19, she's 21) so it doesn't make much of a difference i guess. I'm also always worried that i'll say something embarrassing and then have to work with her and the fact she might tell other people about it etc. I'm just very confused and unsure about the whole thing.


    Any advice would very appreciated, and even if you don't have any, thanks for takin the time to read this.



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