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Cest la vie

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Posts posted by Cest la vie

  1. Hmm. I've read enough romance novels and sighed during enough romantic comedies that I should say yes there is someone for everyone, but life tells us otherwise.


    If there were someone out there for everyone, a soulmate if you will, then it seems like everyone would eventually meet that one perfect person and call it a day. But many people live long, happy fulfilling lives without a partner.


    Some people just don't need a romantic relationship to be complete. Others do. For me, the whole idea of a 'soulmate' denotes a sense that one isn't whole until your partner comes along, but that's not true for everyone.


    Still, I'm a romantic and I can't help but long and hope for that soulmate to come along. Just not right now.

  2. Lol, sadly I've got anxiety when it comes to oh, I'd say--80% of people. Sometimes things click and I have no problem carrying on a conversation, and other times it's just weird and awkward.


    Anyhoo, since I'm pretty much determined not to spend my life on the fringes of society, I took some advice I heard. It sounds kind of lame, but it helps to pretend to be confident and outgoing.


    It takes some concentration but pretending to be the person you wish you were really does help. Just say and do all of the things you know you would do if you weren't shy.


    Good luck with this--besides, you're already halfway there considering she conversed with you; believe me, the majority of girls don't waste their time if they're not interested.

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