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miss kiss

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Posts posted by miss kiss

  1. scornandtorn - You make some valid points. Thank-you.


    Mr. Stealth you sound like a very angry, jaded young man. The world is not perfect and neither am I. The trick is to learn and grow from situations, not to spread hate. Thanks for sharing your opinion, but I'll keep my own. It always bothers me when people are so harsh and critical when they don't know even half the story. Your assumptions only make you sound immature and inexperienced in life.

  2. I'm listening with open ears.


    southerngirl - I do worry about not giving myself enough time to heal between relationships. This is a pattern of mine -one I am well aware of.


    RayKay - I am aware of the moral looseness and have no defense for myself. At this point I just want the break-up to be as painless as possible for my boyfriend.


    annie24 - I don't think he is in any position to object to the break-up or ask for a second chance. I have been very verbal about my needs and future goals over the past three years. I have expressed to him several times my dissatisfaction and made it clear what was important to me. He just isn't in the same mind-frame. I have never nagged or argured with him. He knows me and what I need out of this relationship, but he is not willing to change. I am not angry and I don't blame him, it is just who he is.


    matius - No worries about STDs. I won't get into specifics, but that is a non-issue.


    avman - That is how I feel too.


    Relationship Coach - The same thing I said to annie applies. Over a year ago I even broke off the relationship for a short time (a week) giving him all (the same) reasons. He wanted me to give him some time... Well, it has been over a year and nothing has changed. He cannot change because I want him to, he has to change because he wants to, and I know that won't happen anytime soon (if ever). I will be clear and unambiguous when I break-off with him. There will be no scavenger hunt.


    I understand your position regarding infidelity and closure but I disagree. My boyfriend has been well aware of what I have been feeling for the past few years, and this will be a logical explanation to him. Telling him I have been with someone else will likely only cause unnecessary hurt and confusion. I do love him so I want to handle this break-up with compassion. By the way, it was not a year-long emotional infidelity. My boyfriend is well aware I have online friends with whom I correspond, and it was only recently things evolved beyond friendship.

  3. Hello, I am new here! I need some opinions/advice please...


    (This part removed for privacy)


    A little over a year ago I (innocently) met someone online. We clicked and became close friends. I felt safe in our friendship because he was quite a bit older than me (two decades) and on the other side of the world! However, over the year the friendship morphed into something more. We click emotionally, and intellectually. It is a comfortable, easy relationship that seemed destined to happen. Last month he took a flight over to see me...


    It turns out we click intimately too.


    Now, I am leaving my boyfriend. I am breaking it off. I just don't know how or how much to tell him. Do I tell him about the other man, or is that just a way of clearing my guilty conscience? Does he really need to know or is it better to spare him the details? The break-up was inevitable due to our different needs and wants, but I have a feeling he may ask if there is anyone else...


    I am so confused.

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