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Posts posted by CautiousCurious

  1. I was going to post yesterday but I didn't have enough time. Thing is, it's just an infected pimple. So all I got are some antibiotics and taking a warm bath most of the time. So don't make such a big deal out of it next time.

    No offence.


    But I did overlook things as well so I shouldn't say that either.

  2. Well I looked into the medical dicitonary I have and busting it could make it worse. And it also says that showering instead of bathing could help prevent infection or something like that. Either way pain is coming my way right?


    Ok... my parents are driving me to the clinic. I'd rather not let my parents see my butt and stuff. And anyways, the doctors are trained... not my parents. My dad had something similar to that on his ear. They called acyst or something like that... and they drained it and it didn't hurt much.

  3. Just recently, I received this weird pimple like sore on my butt... It kills me to sit, walk, or stand. It hurts now, it hurts yesterday, it hurts tomorrow. I would bust it but it would really hurt. My pain meter would go up to practically 10 times the pain I have now. My parents say I need to go to the doctor... What can I do to get rid of it?! School is closing in and I bike... it'll kill to bike.

  4. It's over. She was getting pushy. I told her my age and she wanted to see my face and wanted to me to say my name or she wouldn't speak to me again. I said ok and blocked her. That's one victory I can celebrate.

    But it's not over yet...

  5. Thanks guys (and you girls,too.) I used to be much worse than I am now. I like to think I'm progressively winning this battle. Southerngirl, it's kind of hard to ask your parents about something like that when they are the pastors. NjRon, I gave my heart when I was young and to tell the truth, I'd rather keep my innocence then to have thrown it away. I woke up at 5 this morning and decided to look at the 4 books of the New Testament that had to do with stuff like that. I pray that I can get through this and finish this struggling battle...

  6. I'm a Christian. Not afraid to admit that. It's been a while since I've won my battle with girls and cams. Unfortunately it's hard to resist now that I met some new friends over a interactive chat website. Since the Bible says it's wrong to have lust for another person (specifically women since I think being gay is unnatural. No offence to freelance lovers...), I'm wondering if it's wrong to show other people (girls for us guys, or guys for you girls) the private parts.


    Any comments?

    I need to know before I go for the Judging when I die... or before I die...

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