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Posts posted by CuteGio19

  1. I've been on both sides of this and heres the thing. You guys can adapt to eachother. But if he's the stay at home type and you're the part girl you guys are simply not going to mesh in the LONG RUN.


    However, if you're not worried about the long run or if you really love him then you need to stand up for yourself. Tell him that you guys are together but that you are going to have a life apart from him, especially if he isn't willing to take into account YOUR interests, wants and feelings.


    Remember, a relationship is give or take hun and it seems like he's doing all the taking. Wise up, lay down some ground rules. If he loves you as much as you love him then he will try to be more accomodating. And he isn't willing to do that, then you know that you simply cannot remain with him for the sake of your self-respect

  2. I'm a 19 year old gay guy and i've never had trouble meeting guys but i've always had trouble getting close to someone. Then I met this guy through mutual friends and now we've been dating a few months, and we both held back but I do have feelings for him. We finally talked about our future and I told him it was time to either get together oficially or move on. He then told me that he loves me but he just found out he's HIV+, and he's known since before we started dating I'm getting tested soon but im pretty sure im out of danger, but I don't know how to feel about this guy anymore or what to do about our relationship if there is indeed going to be one to salvage. But now I feel like I cant trust him...but I love him.What should I do?

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