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Posts posted by seksiidan

  1. Are you sure she's right for you? I don't think flirting with another guy is right. Seeing as even though she did misunderstand what you said at the party, it still doesn't justify what she did. She might be testing you to see whether you'd be jealous or she's just plain trying to punish you, but i also think she should give you the benefit of the doubt that it was taken out of context.

  2. I don't think she's that interested in you to be honest...

    Honestly, i have to agree here. From what you said, you haven't been doing anything wrong. She seems to have her friends before you. As you said its the 3rd time that she's going out with them. If she was genuinely interested in you she would have made time for you instead of running off with her friends. You seem like a great guy, i think you should let her know how you're feeling first and if things don't work out then you should let her go

  3. I think you should give it a shot. He could just be really interested in you and that's why he went through all that trouble just to find out things about you. I did that before. I thought someone was pretty cute and so i found things out about them, though i never did try anything lol. i admire his courage to actually give you his number i probably would never do such a thing. Due to self-esteem issues lol. Just remember go to public places where you can be seen, and don't get hurt? lol

  4. hmmm, seeing how things are i think that perhaps the best thing for you to do is distance yourself from him till you can get over your feelings for him. unrequited love pretty much sucks but you seem to have a nice friend there so im sure you guys could talk things out about how you just need some space for a while. during this time you should also think about things through and sum up your thoughts about him, like as to whether or not you can keep your friendship. If he's causing you that much pain you might have to reconsider everything.

  5. ehh, i read somewhere that through out a guys lifetime even if they are in a serious relationship, they'll still check out other people and have tiny crushes on people as long as they don't act up on those feelings its fine. as for your esteem sad to say the only way to cope with that is to have to put up with it.

  6. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i read your other posts as well lols. i've been in this forum for the past 2 days? O.o and finally decided to join today cause i was pulled into your story and i don't know lol x.<. and you do seem like pretty much into him i don know though. if he as of a good friend to say then im sure things will go fine. far the whole whether gay or bi thing think should stop thinking about his orientation focus more on your own in telling one step at time what mean friendship over relationship first would>

  7. Good parents, and good families, come in all shapes and sizes, as do bad ones. Just make sure that you remember that the kid's gonna run into "why do you have two mommies?" as well as some not-so-nice questions/comments and they'll have to deal with that. Being in a same sex partnership/marriage and raising kids brings unique challenges, but that's no reason not to do so.

    i agree with this, no matter what there will always be people who ask rude questions and such, but they'll just have to get used to it. As far as needing to have a male role model in the family, you can always have a god-father perhaps? like maybe a best friend or a family member. However, it isn't really necessary seeing as families that are divorced don't always have both figures right? hope i was of some help. kind of new to this thing

  8. err >_> hello o.o kind of my first post >_> but yeaaaa heh. when he talked about lusting and how its sinful that anything u lust for is a sin. don't straight people lust for the opposite sex as well? and you can't say oh that's different it's love because what is the difference between straight love and gay love? ionoo honestlyy i kind of think you should just tell him. you're just hurting yourself over something you shouldn't be you seem like a nice guy, if he's truly your friend then he'll understand. from the looks of it he kind of just seems to be in denial toward the idea that you might be gay because it isn't that hard to put 2 and 2 together to figure out what your hinting. he seems to really obsess over the fact that you can't be gay kind of makes me curious as to why but ehh iono. as far as all the stuff you notice about it, i'd be careful because some people do things unconsciously (is that how you spell it? >_>) and sometimes its all unintentional but you let your own feelings cloud your judgement and see it the way you hope or wish it to be. Also, what are you looking for in the outcome anyways? acceptance, or the fact that he might feel the same way? 'cause at this moment i think you should just worry about getting it out and see how things go from there. relationship is the least of your worries, you have a great friendship in your hands and you should try to keep that? iono im starting to ramble on about stuff right.. hope i helped some what xD

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