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Posts posted by char

  1. Messed up. That is me. Here is my situation, my boyfriend and I met two years ago through friends (his best friend was living with my best friend). We met, we started casually dating, than slowly turned more serious. We both lived in different cities the whole time we were seeing each other. Now for details: I am 26 and the mother of 2 daughter's ages 6 & 4. I was going to school the whole time we were dating getting my diploma in Business Management. He is 27, has never been seriously involved with anyone before, and has three degrees incuding a Masters in Business. While we dating he got to know my family very well, as i got to know his very well, we always discussed where we were at in our lives and what we had planned for our lives together. Fast forward. In December he gets a promotion but it's in the farrrr northern side of Canada. A simple straight 24 hour drive from my current city. (sarcasm). We agreed to keep seeing each other over the distance and everything would be peachy keen. But, as a twist of fate, when i went back to my school after winter break, I had found that i had failed two of my core classes and was requested to discontinue. *panick* While I told him about what had happened at school, he told me that he had found himself a two bedroom apartment, and asked us to come up to live with him and we decided that we were ready to take our relationship into a new level.

    Well....things went downhill rapidly from then on. We've been living together for 3.5 months now, and he has decided that he is not ready for family life. We are splitting up but we have to live together for 43 more days until my daughter is finished school. We have decided to still be a couple until than and to try to remain friends afterwards. This was fine...but now, everything is so confusing. He is more open to me than ever, discusses everything, talks to me like we still have a future left as a couple, still calls my girls his daughters, it's like we are still moving ahead as a couple...although we are not...and it seems like everything is better than ever. What is going on?? He says he is not ready for a family and we are moving back home without him, but still he acts like we are still a family. I am getting seriously messed up here. I am getting mixed signals. can someone offer some advice as to what is going on here? He says he still wants us to go on our own separate ways.....but what the hell is this? Why the attempts to discuss what went wrong with us if we are not going to be an "us" anymore?

  2. Sorry, but I think you are holding on to hopes that something will workout when it doesn't look like it will. It sounds to me very similar to my current position. It sounds to me that yes, he is very honest with you, but doesn't want to come right out and say that put simply, it is not going to work. You didn't say if you guys are living together. When someone breaks up with us when we are not ready to we tend to hold on to hope that everything will work out for what "we" think is best although what we have in mind as "best" is not exactly what our "ex" is thinking. My advice to you, is hang out with your friends 24-7, cry to them, go out, try to have fun, and look at this as a life lesson. He is right when he has said you deserve someone who can provide you with the attention you deserve. He has stated that work is number one priority in his life.....which leaves you..not number one in his life, do you really want to take a backseat to someones work? Would you do that someone whom you love?

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