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Posts posted by Ignored82

  1. No, i wouldn't want that at all for her to see. I didn't really have a good child hood and i remember telling myself after different situations that "when i get older and have kids there's know way i'll put them through this." I want everything for her. I want a good up bringing and for her to grow up in a home that isn't going to be emotionaly painful for her.

    Thank you all for your advise. I really don't have a family i could turn to talk to about this and the friends i've made are from work only. So reading what you have said has helped me a lot.

  2. Thanks so much. Last night i actaully wandered if i could get in to see my OB and ask them if they could give me an anti-depresent. I just want to leave him as much as it would hurt my heart and take care of my daughter by myself for a while. Maybe he would realize when i'm gone what he has in his life. This is really hard for me though because i'm so inlove with him. But i always think how could he love me so much and treat me like this. I never call him names. After giving him his first child,at the hostpital he was so happy and treated me like i was the greatest person in the world and he cried several times ... i thought all had eneded after she was born but it hadn't. Anyway, yes i'm going to call my obgyn and see if i could get in soon. Thanks for listening.

  3. That's really sad beacuse that's how i feel about my fiancee. We've been together almost 2 years and we've just had our first child. I love him so damn much and i do and would do anything for him. I just feel like he doesn't feel that way with me. I'm feel like i'm pouring my heart out for him and i'm just ignored. Okay-maybe that's not your situation but your inlove with someone and you probaly feel like she's not with you.

  4. I'm not to the level of suicide as of yet. I just feel so damn sad and confused. I had a pretty rough pregnancy only because my fiancee called me names and really wasn't there for me. I just felt alone the whole 9 months. He would yell at me or get on to me about something and at that point i was sensitive (naturally) and i would cry and he would call me "cry baby"among others. I even told him several times to not call me that and it would continue.

    After i had my daughter (she's almost 3 weeks) i've been pretty high spirited and happy up until the past few day's as everything is slowly going back to the name calling and not being there for me. I don't know what i should do. I just want us to be happy and to be a couple. That's all i've ever tried to do. Does anyone have advice or has gone through this?

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