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  1. My life story, i have always been a small kid up to about last year. people saw me as a weak, small boy. now, i am beggining to gain a lot of muscle, but i still have problems. I have never been with a girl. i have never kissed, touched or done anything with a chick. I am beginning to worry why. i am going to be a junior in high school and i need advice on something. I worked at a camp over this summer and there was a really, hot girl that was in my group. we would talk every day at camp, and people thought we were going out, but she assured them that we were not. this girl is the only girl that i have talked to that much and i really, really like her. I am very worried that she doesnt like me. she stopped going to the camp so i dont see her anymore. i text message her on my phone every once and awhile and she responds always. I also dont have many friends. i am not sure why i am such a social failure. mabye it is because im sometimes shy, but otherwise i dont know what is wrong with me. i just wish that this girl amanda would come around and be with me. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY ADVICE??](*,)
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