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Posts posted by 2ogue69

  1. Alright, I have the same problem with some girl at my school ive liked her forever and she comes one day and talks to be and "fools around" with me but like then the next day she just doesnt say anything. SO my annalysis is!




    He wants you to keep liking him in that special way. If he goes a month straight of flirting with u and stuff then hes gona make u think hes ready for a relationship. Most likley hes not ready for a relationship so instead of flat out telling you (which would be helpful ) he just gives you mixed signals and keeps you thinking


    Hope this helped if it didnt well then i dont kno what to think




  2. Yo,

    Hows it going. Im new here and thought it would be cool to ask questions?


    Anyways heres the scoop. Ive liked this girl for a long time. Only thing is she has a boyfriend (for about 2 weeks now). Now most of you would say drop her and find someone else. But this girl keeps kissing me and holding my hand and stuff. And ummm im getting mixed signals. i dont want to be cought in the middle of some cheating thing so what do u think i should do?




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