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Posts posted by ashley00

  1. so you do think it is serious enough for a cat scan? i may sound crazy but i feel so bad asking my mom to pay for it cause its sooo expensive.. i just dont want to do it if its not necissary (cant spell sorry) my doctor wanted me to have one, but my mom said that if there was something seriously wrong it wouldve showed up in my blood work? is that true?

  2. okay i was just wondering if anyone else experiances these symptoms.. first of all i have a history of fainting and migrane headaches, i have a small headache at least every other day.. i have fainted 2 times in my life.. the second i passed out in the middle of class at school (im 17 by the way) and i was rushed to the doctor for tests. they did blood work and whatnot, and all of my bloodwork came back perfect.. my doctor recommended a cat scan but because of the money i wasnt able to get one done.

    well anyway, noone seemed too worried about it so i just went on not thinking too much of it.. but it just seems that i'm dizzy every day! every time i stand up i get so dizzy like im about to pass out, i even black out most of the time! i even have to lean on the wall so i dont fall over! i also experiance mild nausea most days.. i just dont know if this is common? or what this could be a symptom of? any advice would be helpful! thanks in advance

  3. Im not really sure yet because this is all so sudden you know. Im planning on going up to visit him in december when i graduate. (ill be a mid year grad) and staying for as long as i can. i guess we'll just have to go from there and figure it all out. im willing to move up there also when i graduate but i dont think he thinks i would actually do it! should i? or should i just stay where i am and do this long distance? helppp

  4. Hi,

    My boyfriend and I have been together for four years now. We've always been inseperable and just totally and completely in love. I'm 17 and he is 19..about a month ago his mom got a really nice job offer in another state. I love him so much and I know he feels the same. He swears to me that he wants to stay together and make this work. He says we'll have plently of times to see each other. I know he's right! We love each other and I know we can make this work, I just know it's going to be soo hard missing him all time. He's leaving in a week I'm just afraid that he may realize once he gets up there that it is going to be too difficult. I don't want him to break it off just because he's scared! I need advice please..anything will be appreciated. How can I keep our relationship great like its always been and not loose him?

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