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Posts posted by Lisho

  1. K well this ones mainly for the boys. I was just wandering whether its normal for boys to txt and fne other girls whilst they have a girlfriend who they apparently love, but still kinda flirt with other girls. Basically i dnt knw whether to trust my bf cuz i dnt flirt with other boys but he does it with girls and then wonders why i dnt trust him.


    is this a sign that his cheating or am i just being to suspcious

  2. I think its ok to have a drink now and again to socialise, but you could if your so worried about drinking try socialising without alcohol. if the people you are with are friends then you should have a laugh sobber. or you could just sit back and watch everyone else make a fool out of them selfs because their so out of it. I think its good that you aint gettin caught up in he whole smoking thing cuz it really aint good especially if your doing your whole swimming thing.


    I reakon you should try it. you probably willnt want to do it again or that often anywayz.

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