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Posts posted by Ainsliexx

  1. I can't quite get it either, my I think she might be older than him...


    Or she was very aggressive....


    I wouldn't mind getting rape by a girl, unless she wan't attractive.....but yet again it wouldn't be called rape.

    I'm really having some troubles picturing it.


    I saw this one show....looong time ago, when the married couple didn't have sex for month, until the wife got piss, and in the morning she tied up her husband, and she had sex with him, then he file a divorced and a law suit....

    thats what this reminds me of.


    For your friend, I tihnk you should talk to him, ask him a lot of questions, but not at the same time. Make him comfortable, tell him that he didn't do anything wrong, try to make him open up to you.


    Comments like that are just stupid and disrespectful to rape victims. Yes, you would mind being RAPED by a girl, because rape is a forceful, violent, unwanted sexual act.


    It can happen man-on-woman, man-on-man, woman-on-man, or woman-on-woman. Regardless of the biological responses, it is rape if there is no consent. An erection =/= consent. As a man, you should know that erections can happen for a number of reasons. Besides which, many women who are raped experience vaginal lubrication and even orgasms. Your body betrays you sometimes. It does not mean you were willing and it's a factor that many rape victims feel extreme guilt and disgust over, thinking they wanted it.

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