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Posts posted by laul

  1. do u live with ur family?

    why did u want a child at a young age?


    i became a mum at 17 (now 20) but i love my little boy more than life and wouldnt change athing. i left school to have josh but now i live in my own house with my bf (josh`s dad) and i got a good job so things worked out ok for me.

    I had alot of support being pregnant at a young age and i think that helped alot.


    do you have pple around to support you????

  2. hunny please for ur own safety contact the nspcc. ur only 14 still a child who should be enjoyin being with friends, goin out, havin a laugh.


    u can contact nspcc on 24hr freephone number for child protection:


    0808 800 5000



    let us know how things are going.

  3. The best thing is to use both condoms and another form of birth control

    ie pill, coil etc etc this way if one fails u still have some protection in place.


    However there is no absolute garentee against getting pregnant nothing is 100%

  4. hi i fell pregnant at 17 and found i could do a test at school, my doctors, hospital, clinic or just getting a home test. getting pregnant caused me my sister and my mam to fall out but we got over it befor my son was born n they all love him to bits now(he is 2 yrs old now). It is hard being young & pregnant but u will always have help if not from family from friends, there is always people on here to talk to for help and advice.

  5. Hi every1 im new to sight and in need of someone to talk to.

    I am in a relationship with a nice quiet man until hes stressed or just wants to have a go at me. I do love him and we have a 2yr old child but he abuses me verbally and hits me as well it really hurts because i no i dont deserve it and although he says i cause it, i no its not my fault. x

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