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Posts posted by aidenn1124

  1. Listen to Jlee man. Let it go, you are entering dangerous territory here. There is no bigger killer than smothering a woman who says she needs space. Get on with your life, like everything is everything. Don't worry about the stuff in her room and get out of dodge for awhile. Don't call her mother either no matter how close you may be. If after a while you do this and she still doesn't come back, let her go. The only thing worst than smothering someone is becoming a low-grade stalker. Got it Lee Harvey.

  2. I honestly have no real specific concerns nor hesitations. I also realize that the realtionship is still very new and it will be treated as such regardless of either of our ages. I was just looking for some information since this is a new experince for me. I mean if the topic of Age-Gap relationships wasn't even a minor concern for some there wouldn't be forums on the topic. Thank you to all that have responded.

  3. For the past month or so now I've been dating a woman 9 years my junior, she is 21, I'm 30. On a whole I've never had a serious relationship with anyone that's ever been younger than me. I'm sure I'm making more out of this than I should but I sincerely care for this woman. I'm in new territory here with this and would like to hear some thoughts regarding this matter.

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