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Posts posted by IBNHADI

  1. I know how you feel. i've been married five years as well and my husband likes to watch porn it seems all the time but usually with me i dont even care for it actually i hate it and if i dont want to watch it he gets mad usually. but i dont think i would divorce him over it. but i really think if you tryed to just ignore it and if he is not going out on you i wouldnt worry about it. Does he give you alot of attention and how do you get along otherwise?

  2. thanks for your responce alpha i've tryed talking to him and explain that sex isnt everything and i want more to us that i want to go out and do things together but it never seems to happen. i know he is depressed and that seems to have alot to the way he is i think anyway but he threatens divorse and leaving and its almost like that would be a relief then i get scared.

  3. I've been married for 5 years and my husband is from different culture he came here to live with me. he works i work. he works overnights i work days all he ever does is sleep and work and stay in bed room . the only time he is doing anything with me is is always sex he never takes me out or wants to do anything with me he always has excuse or say he will do something when the time comes he dont do it. i dont seem to have time to do simple things around house he always wants my attention in bed if i go out and do anything like movie with friend or supper or bowling he gets upset. i get so i dont like sex as it seems all he ever wants two to five times a day and more if he could and he always wants to watch porn movies and i dont like those either and so on is there something wroing with me for not wanting sex all the time. help me

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