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Posts posted by Yankster

  1. Well i dunno of any cute way, just straight up tell him. You have to accept the fact he might not have the same feelings for you that you have for him. Maybe you could show him in a more descreat way, as in send him flowers with a love card, a small gift...thigns like that, and if he doesnt reject those things, then maybe you shoudl progress to expressing your feelings for him.



  2. Well thnk about it from his point of view, maybe he is in a similair situation that you are in, maybe he does really like you but he is shy or is afraid to tell you the truth about thew way he feels abuot you. i think you should call him and tell him, online relationships are not good, because you are not interacting with the person actual emotions, its all typed stuff and smily faces. If you do think he is the best thign that has happened to you, dont let him go, maybe if you open up to him, you can see what he really thinks about you. Maybe you could even stay in touch when you leave for college.

    I cant think of anyreason this kid has to ly to you that he likes you, i dont think he would, the only reason he might have is to make him seem cooler cause he has a "crush" on a prety girl. When you are with eachothers friends,talk to your other friends also, but dont act like you are trying to avoid him, come over to him and start a convorsation or something.

  3. Well i think it depends on the type of relationship you had with him, was it serious...that type of thing. He obviously knows your a great gal, ima a guy and i kinda know what hs going thruogh. Mostly it wont take a guy to long to realize that hes dropped a great girl. If he was reaLLY into you then he probly had other reasons to cut you.


    sometimes a good way to make him miss you/ make him feel guilty is, to talk to him, and in the middle of the convorsation randomly bring up on of the special times you and him had together when you were dating.


    I think maybe he does miss you already, but since you started dating another guy hes moved on, le him know whjat your feeling, dont maKE him feel to guilty about him self, ya dont want to make him feel that bad do ya?

  4. Well i think it all depends on if you truley love her. If what you are suspecting is true(that she isnt getting the feeling cause ur a little over weight) then i dont think it is worth it. If she truley loved you weight wouldnt be an issue, it would all be from the heart. Its like, if you are in love, you mostly dont see what the person looks like, you see the part of that person that you love, so maybe she cant see past your image...maybe you should move on, if u are truly intent on staying, dont give her to long to decide

  5. I go to a private school in my area, im in 7th grade. There is this 10th grade emily, and she is so beautiful, and i just like evrything about her, im not in any of her classes obvioiusly but i see her alot in the hall way and sometimes build up the courage to say hi....i just dont know what to do, i perosnally thing its pathetic to be likeing someone 3 years older...but its just the way i am, so id liek some advice...thanks

  6. Well i dont know what you should do. If there is a girl that you want to date you should ask her. Dont just sit back and watch as all the "jocks" get the attenstion, if there is something you want go out and get it..


    good luck!

  7. I was dating this girl last year for about 7 months, it was a steady relationship. but it had its ups and downs.


    I truly thought i was in love. I expressed my feelings to her, and it seemed like she was intimidated by it. We broke up january 29 2002. She said it was because me loving her so much made her feel like she had to give me back as much as i was "giving" her. She said it was just overwhelming. Obviously i still love her, she is dating another guy now. Hes one of my friends, so i cant help but be a little jealous...i mean...REALLY JEALOUS, i feel sick when im in the same room as them, i dont understand how a girl can go from liking someone so much, and then changing so quickly! I dont know if i will ever get over her, please tell me what i should do...


    and if your a girl tell me what she was trying to tell me...if you even understand

  8. i know how you feel, the same damn thing happened to me. i think it also depends on the girl. Although i think if you truly still like her, you should definetally call her back. She wanted to talk to you if she called, or maybe she just wanted to cuss you out...but either way call her back and talk to her

  9. Well this is coming from me...a guy. and i just have a question to ask. If you and that other girl were engaged, before you gto engaged i think you should have thought about maybe you did not like her enough. You cant get engaged but be so fickle.

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