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Posts posted by allyio2

  1. My problem is that my hobby is working. I've been going to school and working nights and weekends since high school. I will be starting a normal work schedule in September, but I don't know what to do for a hobby... I like work. I like going out with people from work after work. In my spare time I like picking up extra shifts at my waitressing job.


    I am not good at sports and honestly don't enjoy them... so joining a sports team or whatever for fun really doesn't appeal to me at all. I like reading and writing but I've taken some writing classes for fun and have been so different from the people in them... I didn't seem to fit in with them. I'm an odd girl, I know this. I hear the phrases "you're silly", "you're funny," and "you're a little weird, but i love you" just about every day.


    Do you look desperate if you ask out a guy? I like a guy at work. He is only 20, but turns 21 in a few weeks and i told him that my friends and i would take him out for his 21st birthday... he and i have never hung out before but he agreed. Do you think there's a way to make this turn into something? I don't know where you find interesting men. Most of my friends are in relationships so when we go out they aren't looking for men. So,aside from going out alone, whihc seems maybe unsafe? I have no clue!!! I bet I could talk to the next 100 men I meet and not one would ask me for my phone number. Why is this??? I'm not down on myself... I'm actually quite happy with myself, but experience has taught me that even if I can have fun tlaking to a guy for a long time, he never asks for my number.

  2. Where and how do you suggest I do this?? I don't want to meet someone online and most of my friends and friends' boyfriends don't have any single male friends. I've only gone on dates with other relatively smart guys, so I don't think I was intimidating or anything... and I usually keep conversations fairly light. Hmm. suggestions?

  3. I am 23 years old and have never had a boyfriend. I've been on dates before, but usually after date 2 i never hear from the guy again. All of my dates have been blind dates... I have never gotten to know a guy and had him ask me out or have a stranger ask me out or anything exciting like that.


    I don't know why... the thing is I have lots and lots of close friends and none of them understand why i don't have a boyfriend. I know i'm fun to be around. My friends say I'm very funny and I'm usually having a great time, telling stories, and laughing. I can also be serious and I have my master's degree and like deep conversations. My boss, a 28 year old male, even told me the other day that I am so much fun to talk to and that we should talk once a week because i'm so much fun. I just don't get it! If all my friends think I'm so wonderful, why don't guys see this?! Oh, I'm not ugly or anyting either. I'm not beautiful, but I'm attractive enough to get hit on. Most guys would describe me as "cute." What do you think? I'm worried I'll never find anyone. I don't think i NEED a man, but I sure would like one!

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