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Posts posted by joeyl2

  1. she just said that it's a point now when she gets off of work, she's so stressed, that she's very sensitive toward people and that she's just afraid she'll go off on me real easily where she won't mean it. She works one job, mainly m-f 9am-1pm, and then her summer job all weekend, long hours, and during some days during the week. She's going to Indiana for four days, june 22-26, she said that summers are typically very busy for her, and that she's already made plans for a lot this summer. I did mention that I have been here, adjusting nicely to her being busy but at the same time saying I'd be here if she ever wanted to make a date to hang out, but she still wasn't for that. She's still pretty insistent that I'm not the reason she's doing this, that it's her. Even my mom agrees that this is definitely what's going on, she just needs the time so that all of this work-related stress will disappear mostly. I don't know what else to make of it, ya know?

  2. Well, when you're in love with someone and you're expected to be friends just like that, it's hard, she knows that because I told her that. As a matter of fact, last Friday, I was telling her I was actaully getting used to her being so busy because i kept myself busy since then. She smiled like it was a good thing

  3. Most people I have explained this to said it's very possible that she really could be this stressed out. Even our mutual friend believes this to be the truth, and she is one of her best friends. She also sides with me in saying that she hopes this is the truth coming out of her, and she would tell me if this was it. My ex has also called me almost every night since the break-up, so she has kept in contact, and she said she still wants to hang out with me, if that means anything??

  4. She broke up with me because she said her two jobs are stressing her out so bad to the point that it carries over to her every day life. She says she's afraid that she'll say or do something that I will take the wrong way and scare me off completely. It's summer time and she works two jobs during the summer. The thing is, though, we seem to still talk on the phone for a long time at night since this happened, which was back on Tuesday. I tried hanging out with her Wednesday night, but that was not a good idea. She was there and I couldn't hold her, kiss her, hug her, do anything.... can anyone out there give me some good, honest, heartfelt advice on what I should do? Do you think she might be really sincere and that she wants to get back together when stuff blows over for the summer? I need reassuring advice, something I can go about not being stressed out about. Thanks


    Joe, 29, Clinton Township

  5. I don't know if many of you remember me, but I posted a story with the title "6 months, lesser time" in this same section. I guess it turns out my gf has so much stuff going on right now that she said it's best if she gets time to herself, presumably to let things blow over. Please read my other post in this section first and then give me an honest opinion.

    She understands that I may not want to get back with her if she comes back to me in the near future. My question is, what do you think I should do at this point?



    Heartbroken in Clinton Township, Michigan



  6. My gf and I have been going out for about 6 months now and for the past few weeks, and we do love each other and we have been spending lesser time together due to the fact that she has just started a second job for the summer, which means I will not be seeing her as much. I explained to her that I will still be here for her even though we won't be seeing each other much over the summer, but at the same time I've been somewhat cranky and one time, we had a big miscommunication about a night we were supposed to spend the night together but what happened was, she got scheduled an early shift the next morning so that planned dropped but we never actually planned something else to do, so I just assumed we were still doing something even though spending the night fell through. I got mad at her because that day she told me she wanted to work cleaning someone's house and i didn't know what time this was supposed to happen and i was still under the impression we were gonna do something, and it was our 6-month anniversary so I wanted to do at least something with her. I have however, ordered flowers to be sent to one of her jobs on Wednesday. Does anyone have any tips for me that will help me not get so cranky over the time we won't have together this summer? i haven't seen her since sunday, and have only called her twice, one of which i was able to talk to her for a short amount of time. Do you think I should stick with it?



    Joe, 29

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