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Posts posted by linda5

  1. Okay...a quick update. So last Sunday he texted messaging me and asked if I was home so he could stop by to visit since he was heading through my area. I didn't get the message until he texted me the second time and assumed my answer was no. However, I was in Vermont, snowboarding with my friends at the time. So I wrote back and told him that I was in Vermont. He replied and wished me having a great time. I replied and mentioned that I was on the way to the top of the mountain and the view was wonderful. And then that was it. I don't plan to write to him until he writes or call me again. Okay so I have a pair of special guest VIP tickets to go to the investment conference and I want to ask him to go with me (he’s an entrepreneur) …but I’m not sure what to do. Email him or wait for him.

  2. Tronix, I don’t think he’s seriously ill. He’s on line everyday. He contacts me only when he needs me. I like the guy but I like myself more and I’m not into the casual dating anymore. So until next time he’ll call, I would tell him it’s over unless it’s exclusive relationship.

  3. Thanks for all your feedbacks. Its been more than a week now...I finally decided not to write to him. At first, I wanted to let him know that I was joking about the other guy and that I'm not sleeping-around type of girl. But at this point it doesn't matter anymore...I don't think he care. Anyway IM moving on and I feel much better now. Thanks a lot again.

  4. Thanks a lot for your inputs. So last night I left him a message on his voice mail and he didn’t call back. I just don’t understand….he asked me to call him and when I called him and he didn’t call back. It’s so messed up. This morning I sent him an email, asked if he’s doing anything this weekend and again no replied from him. I just want to meet up and have the talk with him. But at this point I feel like he’s going to pull out the disappearance act again. Anyhow, if I don’t hear from him I’m planning to write him a letter letting him know how I feel about this whole situation, and I want more than just casual dating. I don’t want to waste my time anymore on someone who is not willing to spend time on me….and I want to give other guys who want to be with me a chance. Should I mention anything else? As you can see I’m not that good in writing. Thanks again.

  5. Well, I was being honest with him all this time except last Saturday. I didn't even plan to joke about the other guy until he brought it up and didn't think that he would take it serious. Deep down he knows that I like him because I told him so. Hey I thought I would be able to handle the casual dating and pretend to be okay with everything…but I couldn’t. Anyway I plan to tell him that I’m not comfortable anymore with casual status like Batya33 recommended. And if he's still not ready...then at least I can move on and don't have to go through emotional rollercoaster anymore.

  6. Hi everyone, I have been casually seeing this guy for about seven months. We see each other average once for every three weeks. Each time we’re together we had amazing time from going out for dinner, watching movies, going to the concert, to staying over at each other house. Lately he even made breakfast for me. I thought that was nice. We rarely talk to each other until the next time we meet. A couple months ago, I told him that I was ready for serious relationship and his respond was that he liked me but was not ready for it. Since I like this guy a lot…so decided to give him more time. We hung out again last Saturday. He saw a bruise on my arm and asked what happened. So I told him that my friend John pinched me. And he asked if John was my other boyfriend…so I said yes (I lied). He seemed jealous. Later on when I was talking to my brother, again he thought I was talking to another boy.


    On Sunday morning before I left he told me that whatever happened make sure I use protections, so I just told him to do the same. Before I left his house he mentioned that he would like to go ice-skating with me and asked me to call him sometimes. On Monday, he sent me an email saying that he had a fun time with me. I replied back and mentioned the breakfast was excellent and wondered what will be on the menu next time. His replied was that next time it would be up to me and it’s my turn. I didn’t expect that he would write to me.


    About the protection conversation, I’m confused why would he care since we’re not committed to each other. I’m not seeing other people beside him but I think he’s seeing other girls (he’s online everyday). Now it’s been seven months and it’s very difficult for me to act like IM okay with it. I’m falling in love with this guy. I wonder if I should tell him how I feel about him and that IM falling in love with him…or just wait to see what happens. If I do, will I scare him away?? Please let me know what you think.

  7. Hi Rhonda, Thanks in advance. Here's my problem. I have been casually seeing this guy for seven months. We saw each other average once for every three weeks. Every time we’re together...we had amazing time. We went out to eat, came home watching movies…. and lately he even made breakfast for me. A few months ago I mentioned to him that I was ready for serious relationship. He told me that he liked me a lot but was not ready for it. Since I like him a lot...so I decided to give him more time. And now its already seven months, I think I’m falling in love with him. And it’s difficult for me that I have to hide my feelings for him when we're together. Last Saturday when I was talking on the phone, he thought that I was talking on the phone with another guy and asked if I was talking to another boyfriend. So I said yes. He seemed jealous. I wanted to tell him the truth but part of me says that I have to play reverse psychology. My question is that should I tell him that IM falling in love with him the next time we see each other or just wait for him to say. And if I do, IM afraid I may push him away...and if I don't then he would never know.

  8. When we were together, we took turn to call each other. Actually a week after X-mas we text to each other and he said he would call me in the same night after he had dinner plan with his friend. He didn’t call. A couple days later, I did send him a text massage to wish him a happy New Year, and mention that not sure why we stopped talking however I got no respond from him. So I decided not to contact him again up until now. I didn’t expect him to call me this Saturday and especially when he told me he would tell me everything the next day. He sounded nice when we talked on the phone. Now I just wonder what was it that he wanted to tell me . I don’t think that I will call him again. It’s just weird though.

  9. Hi everyone, Im not sure whats happening with this guy. I went out with this guy for a couple months. He was very nice, called me all the time. And then one day before X-mas we stopped talking to each other. After the New Year, I sent him a text message wishing him a happy New Year and also mentioned that I was not sure why we stopped talking and if he decided not to talk to me then I would respect his decision. Anyhow that was a month ago. Last Saturday I hosted a party at my place, so I decided to give him a call and left him a message telling if he wanted to stop by for a drink. Then I went on with my day. I had a great time with my friends. Around 3:00 AM when I was getting ready to sleep, he called me and asked what I was doing. I told him that I was getting ready to sleep. Then he told me that he would call the next day and would tell me everything (I was wondering what he wanted to tell me) . So we wished each other good night and then I went to sleep. Around 4:30 AM, my phone rang, and it was him but I decided not to pick it up. So he left me a message, and mentioned that he couldn’t sleep and asked me to call him back when I wake up. I called him yesterday around 11:00 AM and left him a message asking him to call me back. However I still haven’t heard from him. I wonder what’s going on with this guy. Is he trying to pull my legs? should I call him again and check to see if he got my message?

  10. Thank you so much for your inputs. We met since July...since then we have been casually dating. We had great time every time we're together. I just don't like that we don't talk at all sometimes for week when we’re not together ...until the next time we meet. Now I'm just not comfortable with casual dating anymore.... so I planed to tell him that. I don’t think he would run off with my stuff (I hope not). I like the guy but I don’t like the fact that he’s not calling me…. and not knowing where I’m standing. As for now, I’m just going to ask him if I can pick up my stuff. Should I email him or call his cell phone? I have a feeling that he won’t pick up the phone again and he seems to respond well by email.

  11. We're sort of dating. Here's the thing...I have left a couple of things at his house when I came over (not purposely) about a week ago. I called him on Sat to see if we could get together to hang out and also to pick up my stuff....however he didn't answer the phone so I left him a message asking him to call back. I'm not sure when we would meet again if I don't hear back from him. I want to get my things back because they are expensive stuff. I thought about dropping him an email to see if he'd write back and mention about getting my things back.

  12. How long do you have to wait for the person to call back before you attempt to make the next call?? I left this guy a message on his cell phone since Saturday morning, and still haven't heard back from him....so I wonder if it’s ok to drop him an email to ask if he got the message or just wait??? I'm just not sure with the whole phone rules.

  13. This may sound dumb but Im curious why he wants to meet up at his place since we're going out for a drink, especially we haven't seen each other for awhile. We live about forty minutes away. We'd been at each other places before. Is it because we'll meet during the weekday so he doesn't want to go out (also he will be out of town a few days before that)?

  14. Okay…so I'm going to see this guy next week. We were casually dating for about 3 months and then we stopped talking for about 1and ½ month. We liked each other very much (the chemistry was undeniable). Everything went well until about 1 and ½ month ago, I was sick and admitted to the hospital. While I was in the hospital, we talked on the phone and he made sure that I was okay and that I got home well. But then he stopped contacting afterward. My friend told me that he possibly got freak out. Anyhow, a couple weeks ago, I sent him an email telling that I like him and would like to get to know him better. He wrote back and mentioned that he saw me at the bar with another guy. He thought I was dating the guy. I explained to him that the guy I was with that night was my good friend. So we sort of exchanged email back and forth. We called each other names (cute names). Now we both agree to meet up for a drink. I like him a lot, but not sure if he feels the same way. And he knows that I like him. I'm nervous and not sure what to tell him when we meet. I plan to ask him what he thinks about seeing each other exclusively.

    So, do you think he's still interested in me, and what is the best way to bring up the topic?

    Thanks for your advice.

  15. First I want to thank for all your inputs. Secondly I want to tell you that a couple days ago I tried to call him so I could tell him how I feel. He didn't answer the phone so I left him a message, mainly just to ask him how he's doing and also asked him to call back. However until now I still haven't heard from him. I know that at this point there is nothing I would do...cause I'd already did my part (I called him twice and sent him one text message in 2 weeks). My gut feeling is telling that he's ignoring and not contacting me. Oh well it's his loss. I really like this guy and I wish I told him how I feel about him the last time when we were together. I just want to know would that be it for us /and when I called, should I mention in the message that I have something that I want to tell him. Or anyway that I could do to get his attention. Thank you.

  16. It had been a week since the last time we talked. So today I sent him a text message asking how he's been and that I haven't heard back from him. I still didn't get any reply from him knowing that he got my message. I'll take that he doesn't want to talk to me anymore. what do you think??

  17. I haven't heard from him the last few days. I'm not sure what's going on and I don't plan to call him. Since I called him last Saturday and asked him to call back, and still haven't heard from him. I thought it's a bit strange that when we're together everything is so nice and smooth, but when we're apart sometimes we don't even talk for days. Any inputs???

  18. okay...so I met this guy about three months ago. I like him a lot, but I was seeing someone else at the time so I didn't think that there was anything serious besides having fun. We see each other every other week. Every time we get together, we hang out, ride motorcycle, walking in the park, and really have a good time keeping each other company. About three weeks ago, I stopped seeing the other person. Now I want to hang out with him more...not just one for every two weeks. We even got into the intimacy. I started to develop a feeling for him. Now I just wonder what is going on between us. I know that he likes me too. Should I tell him if we should seeing each other exclusively or just wait until he mentions it? And if I should how would I start the conversation?? Thanks a lot for your advices.

  19. Okay...so I met this nice guy online 3 months ago. Everything went so well until recently he became very distant to me. Last night, we watched football game together and after the game he was sort of avoiding talking to me. I asked him if everything was okay and he said that things may not be good between us. Then I said if that how he felt then we just stop seeing each other. He didn't like that...he still prefers to see me but at the same time I can go out with other people. He said he really doesn't know what he wants, he's very attracted to me; smart, sweet, artistic.....but he doesn't think we click. He wants to stay friends and in the future if we are meant to be together then let it be. I like him a lot, start to have feeling for him and didn't plan to see anyone else beside him. But after what he told me, I felt I was rejected. So I just wished him luck in everything. He hoped that I will call him in the future. The question is should I stay friend with him?? Or just forget about the whole thing and move on. I'm doing fine, just a little sad about how things turned out. He posted his profile again on line this morning. Any advice??

  20. Ok, you two agreed to meet up this weekend. Did he say he'd call later in the week to confirm when? Was he the one who suggested you two get together this weekend?


    At this point, I would hesitate to suggest you be the one to call yet again. He needs to show some proactive interest here.


    Thanks Scout. Yes, he suggested to meet this weekend. But b/c I sort of had plan this weekend with my other friend who he's aslo a friend with... so I told him to get in touch with this guy since they know each other well (in case we do something together at the shore again) He said he would get back to me when he finds out what the plan is. I just forgot to ask if he'd rather hang out with others or just us two, you know what i mean.

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