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Posts posted by Interference

  1. Last time I made love to my girlfriend, the condom fell off when I pulled out at the end. (she took the morning after pill the next day...) I never had this problem before, and I am always using the same condom brand. So I don't think that it happened because my penis is too small (!), but because it was slippery (pre-cum) when I put the condom on. Would anyone have any ideas on this? Could pre-cum cause the condom to slip? How early should the condom be put on? (OK I'll admit I have the tendency to remain inside her after orgasm. I may have pulled out after losing some of my erection) Any tips, suggestions?

  2. Dear bigmistake, I think along the lines of the earliest posts recommending tests for STDs or pregnancy. Then I would take your own words

    ... we never keep secrets from one another
    and not keep it a secret. I wonder how DN can be so sure that you will not do it again?


    If you tell your husband, he will decide whether to forgive you or stay with you. There are deeds we are ashamed of, and these need not to be revealed to our partners if they are in the past. But I see this (having these kinds of parties, heavy drinking leading to loss of inhibitions) as being part of your personality today, and it affects how you behave in your relationship. Does your husband know you this way?


    Also, if it's one of your neighbours, how safe is the secret? You have time to think about this, use that time wisely!

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