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Posts posted by Sephiroth

  1. Hey I know EXACTLY what you are going through, except I am a male and a girl is hurting me that bad. All I can say is "Is he truly worth all the pain and suffering he has inflicted. Can you say that you love someone who would constantly hurt you? " But if he was a true man he would first of all apologize for all the anger, pain, suffering, and/or discomfort that he has inflicted on to you, and then I guess if it was meant to be then you two would be together again. But with the whole God picking the bad time for stuff, I lost my Dad 5 weeks ago, then that same week my ex broke up with me (WHO I WANT TO BE WITH SOOOOOOOOOO BAD *read my post and please offer me some advice*) and I lost my mom when I was three months old...so I have no parents and really no one to rely on. And with the friends problem, they are no where near being your friends if they would cheat with your bf and stuff, thats just screwed up. Well I hoped this helped.



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