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Posts posted by Di

  1. This is only my opinion. If it were me, I wouldn't be making out with him, especially if I was not ready. I feel like I would be sending him the wrong message.


    This "If you love me you will" If he loves you then he would not expect sex from you, he would wait. Are you sure you are in love with him, since he is your first boyfriend? Don't have sex with him, you are still young and their will be other boyfriends, who they too may put you in the same situation. Stand your ground. If you are not ready, tell him and he doesn't respect you, then I would break it off.

  2. My opinion is sex is sex, may it be oral or intercouse, regardless of whatever is called.


    However, If you both are faithful to each other, then waiting until marriage to make LOVE with each other will be worth the wait.

  3. Have you thought about marriage, babies, a home, financially-food, medicine for when the kids are sick, college etc.


    I'm sorry, you maybe 18, but shouldn't you be more worried about the future instead sex?


    Listen to your parents, their right, they have been there.

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